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New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:02 pm
by burun_Archive
Arson Smith wrote:HEY JODESTER - hope I'm not stealing your thunder here... but I had this handy:

Von Lmo - Future Language

You ruined my chance to be a goddess! I keeeeel you!

Actually, I just d/l for the office and already three people have asked me what the hell this was.

Maybe it is time for me to dust off my idea for a VON LMO cover band.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:29 pm
by r0ck1r0ck2_Archive
Karp Fucking kicks ass..

more karp please!
specially Suplex please

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:58 pm
by DPiucchstre_Archive
Minotaur029 wrote:You know what would cheer us all up? A little GG Allin! :smt097

Seriously...that would be a fun upload...

You ask, you recieve. The folder contains mostly Jabbers era stuff. The album 'Always Was, Is, And Always Shall Be', nearly all tracks that weren't duplicated from 'Banned in Boston', a couple of Scumfucs era songs, A live show, recorded in October 1986 that was recorded by either a guy named Mark W. (Name protected for his anonymity), or Sick Rick from The Bruisers, and a song with Antiseen.

Thanks a lot for 'Helios Creed's Boxing The Clown', I haven't heard that since I got rid of all my vinyl back before I hit the internet. Anybody have the digitised version of either Helios Creed's Limited Edition Subpop single
'Nothing Wron'/BW 'The Sky or his 'The Last Laugh' LP? --I haven't heard those in ages either.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:01 pm
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Skam Cats
01. Living Ornaments - Kattenkwaad
02. Obsession 27 - Qat
03. Amnésie - Fasterpussyfatcatpower
04. Celar Curve - Kephlar Mask (frozen plural)
05. Greenkingdom - New Purrspective
06. [Guyom] - Appelons un chat, un chat
07. Rolex2$ - Chevjya Niinron No Jyin Nevach
08. Mira Calix - Pudditat
09. Scossa - Inflatable Carpet
10. Mr Mips - The greatest movie ever
11. Rivas Gonzales - Help
12. E.Stonji - Cats N Oggs
13. Lady Atone - Chatone
14. Rivas Gonzales - Gato Malo
15. [Guyom] - Reglement De Compte A Chat Chorale
16. Automatofonic - Schroedingers Cat
17. Ed Macfarlane - Porno Mogs In Woods
18. Rusuden - Flickered Like Flame
19. Spinkle Stein - Kitten Escapes The Laboratory
20. Yard - Clearing
21. Ascalaphe - Cat Time
22. Scrubber Fox - Felonic [catnip bong mix]

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:02 pm
by burun_Archive
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Skam Cats
01. Living Ornaments - Kattenkwaad
02. Obsession 27 - Qat
03. Amnésie - Fasterpussyfatcatpower
04. Celar Curve - Kephlar Mask (frozen plural)
05. Greenkingdom - New Purrspective
06. [Guyom] - Appelons un chat, un chat
07. Rolex2$ - Chevjya Niinron No Jyin Nevach
08. Mira Calix - Pudditat
09. Scossa - Inflatable Carpet
10. Mr Mips - The greatest movie ever
11. Rivas Gonzales - Help
12. E.Stonji - Cats N Oggs
13. Lady Atone - Chatone
14. Rivas Gonzales - Gato Malo
15. [Guyom] - Reglement De Compte A Chat Chorale
16. Automatofonic - Schroedingers Cat
17. Ed Macfarlane - Porno Mogs In Woods
18. Rusuden - Flickered Like Flame
19. Spinkle Stein - Kitten Escapes The Laboratory
20. Yard - Clearing
21. Ascalaphe - Cat Time
22. Scrubber Fox - Felonic [catnip bong mix]

No Venetian Snares?

Shame on you.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:37 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
D'Piucchstre wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:You know what would cheer us all up? A little GG Allin! :smt097

Seriously...that would be a fun upload...

You ask, you recieve. The folder contains mostly Jabbers era stuff. The album 'Always Was, Is, And Always Shall Be', nearly all tracks that weren't duplicated from 'Banned in Boston', a couple of Scumfucs era songs, A live show, recorded in October 1986 that was recorded by either a guy named Mark W. (Name protected for his anonymity), or Sick Rick from The Bruisers, and a song with Antiseen.

Thanks a lot for 'Helios Creed's Boxing The Clown', I haven't heard that since I got rid of all my vinyl back before I hit the internet. Anybody have the digitised version of either Helios Creed's Limited Edition Subpop single
'Nothing Wron'/BW 'The Sky or his 'The Last Laugh' LP? --I haven't heard those in ages either.

"Drink fight and fuck--this is what I preach. I'm not religious, I'm not political, I don't care what fuckin' Reagan does, I don't give a fuck. I wanna drink...fight...fuck."

Wow. Thanks!

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:39 pm
by JohnVonNeumann_Archive
Von Lmo -Cosmic Interception (1994)

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:40 pm
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
burun wrote:No Venetian Snares?

Shame on you.
Don't blame me.
I didn't release it.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:52 pm
by glynnisjohns_Archive
2 Early SKAM comps...for your enjoyment.....

Skampler and 0161 (BTW 0161 has an otherwise unavailable Fall track on it.)



New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:59 pm
by Pure L_Archive
Ty Webb wrote:Karp kick ass. One of my favorite bands of the 90s. (For those who don't know, Karp's guitarist was Jared Warren, currently kicking 12 kinds of ass as the bassist/vocalist of Big Business.)

Jared was Karp's bassist, for the record.

Chris played guitar.

I'm watchin' you, Webb!!
