When the scientific method is used by unbiased experts to prove something, that can be worth something.
If bias is allowed to taint the study or trial or whatever, that's not good science. Of course I'm for science done properly, which means acknowledging bias but doing everything possible to not let it get in the way (double blind studies for example). If you don't use the scientific method, how do you avoid bias, and rule out spontaneous remission, placebo effect, etc? I very often hear proponents of alternative medicine point out how the scientific method can be corrupted, but if you don't use it, how do you avoid these pitfalls? What's a better way?
he most interesting science doesn't fit inside the scientific method, either. When they use science to prove that there are 10 or 12 or however many dimensions to physical space (maybe in a thousand years?) then it will be possible to put together experiments to prove string theory or whatnot. Likewise, the scientific community can perform experiments that involve "approaching the speed of light" type scenarios, or "speed of light" type scenarios, but those are always going to be suspect for folks like me. If I was there to make sure nobody bumped a decimal place or made a mistake when recording the state of the vaccuum, etc, then I'd be more inclined to take the results as gospel.
I don't understand; how does the "most interesting science" not "fit inside the scientific method?" Einstein's discoveries are pretty mind boggling and surprising, but time has proved that they were scientifically sound. I would never take any scientific findings "as gospel." That's not good science. With science, you realize that any previous finding could be wrong, if there is new, solid evidence to contradict it.
I have seen scientific studies performed, by people I know, for institutions beholden to the federal government, where things were massaged into a "scientific" format because the real "scientific" results gave the wrong answer, the answer that the people with the millions/billions of dollars didn't want to see. This is the way it works, sorry to say.
So should we just discard science? What is your point? Of course the above example is bad, and we should fight against this. What's a better way than the scientific method to study health treatments and other natural phenomena? Even if you don't use the scientific method, you have to deal with avoiding corruption and greed--that's everywhere, including alternative medicine.
The scientific method is a great thing for many applications, but certainly not all.
Everyone should be aware of the fact that proving the existence of some things is exceedingly difficult, and in many cases, beyond the capacity of modern man.
I agree completely.
Imagine how much it would cost to do anaylsis at every possible wavelength of the energy state of someone who claims to be conversant in affecting their body's "chi", as they perform whatever actions they're going to perform. The monitoring equipment necessary would probably cost more than most of us will make in our entire lifetimes.
May I ask how you came to determine the cost of this research? What kind of monitoring equipment are you referring to?
eta: Also, the link Bassdriver posted was to an article showing how a scientific study shows that Tai chi may have significant health benefits. Isn't that kind of research worth spending money on?