Do you support a central bank controlled by private and foreign owners?
Private Banks, sure because there are technically no public ones to control the Fed.
Do foreign banks control the fed? The stats are a bit out of date, but as of 1997, the top eight shareholding banks were all U.S. owned. I'll freely admit this may have changed though. I've looked for more recent stats, but couldn't find them. But the federal reserve laws do not permit foreign banks and non-bank firms to own stock in the Fed. So it probably has not changed.
Chase Manhatten Bank
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
Fleet Bank
Bankers Trust
Bank of New York
Marine Midland Bank
Summit Bank.
Any of the above a foreign bank?
Do you support fiat currency as mandated legal tender?
I can read all about how shitty the world was on the gold standard. And we have a whole lot more people around now than we did then. Plus, if you think about it, there is nothing intrinsically valuable about gold, other than it has a finite supply. Essentially it is only valuable because we have agreed it is. Kind of like our current monetary system. Except we can't print more I guess. But we make more babies, I just don't think there is enough gold backed currency to go around. Unless there are ginormous gold deposits I don't know about. But I'm sure the mining companies could destroy a lot more of the earth so we can have our paper backed by some metal that is shiny enough to be considered valuable.
Sorry to be so rude, its just late in the day.