NerblyBear wrote:But how many shitbags do you know of who are also great artists? That's what I'm trying to argue for: a causal link between intelligent and humane opinions and the work which is produced as a result by their purveyor.
I can think of maybe...nope, can't think of any.
Richard Wagner
Lou Reed
Jerry Lee Lewis
Skip James
James Brown
Chuck Berry, for God's sake
Dick Dale
John Lydon
Lynyrd Skynyrd
John Fogerty
2/5 of The Band
Johnny Ramone
Michael Gira
Caspar Brotzmann
That's off the top of my head in a few minutes.
Now, I can't say as all these guys are SHITBAGS, but I wouldn't care to have (or have had, RIP) dinner with any of them. Evidence suggests rather strongly that they are disagreeable people, though I won't amplify my reasons any more than that.
And yet I value their contributions to the world of music very much.
Not even touching writers or visual artists or anyone I know personally.