homophobic musicians

Why do so many gay guys have that annoying personality? The bratty attention-starved fickle know-it-all personality with the whiny cackle? Is it supposed to be "mischevious" or "elfin"? I don't care how much anal romping you enjoy with your fellow masculoids, but please develop an individualistic personality-type.

homophobic musicians

NerblyBear wrote:But how many shitbags do you know of who are also great artists? That's what I'm trying to argue for: a causal link between intelligent and humane opinions and the work which is produced as a result by their purveyor.

I can think of maybe...nope, can't think of any.


Richard Wagner
Lou Reed
Jerry Lee Lewis
Skip James
James Brown
Chuck Berry, for God's sake
Dick Dale
John Lydon
Lynyrd Skynyrd
John Fogerty
2/5 of The Band
Johnny Ramone
Michael Gira
Caspar Brotzmann

That's off the top of my head in a few minutes.

Now, I can't say as all these guys are SHITBAGS, but I wouldn't care to have (or have had, RIP) dinner with any of them. Evidence suggests rather strongly that they are disagreeable people, though I won't amplify my reasons any more than that.

And yet I value their contributions to the world of music very much.

Not even touching writers or visual artists or anyone I know personally.

homophobic musicians

sphincter wrote:
tmidgett wrote:If someone is great or at least very distinctive, I don't care about any of this stuff.

If someone is less than great, he has to be better than otherwise, proportional to how offensive he is as a person. I'm less likely to enjoy someone's art if he is a known shitbag, but it's hardly impossible.

I don't think one's opinions about anything have to mean anything when it comes to one's art. They can be pretty much separate, esp when the art is very good.

I think the ridiculous thing, as noted, is to distinguish between homophobia and racism. It tells you something about yourself if you make this distinction.

That you feel that racism is worse than homophobia. Can others not hold that opinion without you judging them? Is your way of thinking the right way and everyone else is wrong? Would you allow others to hold opinions different to your without holding it against them, perhaps understanding that we all have different values, priorities and codes?

Boy, I hate the 'everything's relative' argument. People have been making it since the invention of the sophomore year.

If someone thinks racism is worse than homophobia, they are wrong.

The two are equally bad.

You have to draw the fucking line somewhere.

homophobic musicians

NerblyBear wrote:But how many shitbags do you know of who are also great artists? That's what I'm trying to argue for: a causal link between intelligent and humane opinions and the work which is produced as a result by their purveyor.

I can think of maybe...nope, can't think of any.


How many more people have to take you up on your retarded challenge before you decide to either 1) shut the hell up, or 2) accept the fact that you are wrong and then shut the hell up?

None of the artists that have been listed over the past five pages or so are acceptable answers to you? If this is the case then I would like you to state why...for each artist that has been listed.

Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

homophobic musicians

NerblyBear wrote:
sphincter wrote: I'd randomly guess that half of the bands you like are mildy homophobic in private and you'll never find out.

And I'd bet $5,000 that this is not the case.

I've even thrown in writers! I want my $5000.

Actually, I will gladly let you keep your money if you just admit that you're FUCKING WRONG.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

homophobic musicians

Nina wrote:
NerblyBear wrote:
sphincter wrote: I'd randomly guess that half of the bands you like are mildy homophobic in private and you'll never find out.

And I'd bet $5,000 that this is not the case.

I've even thrown in writers! I want my $5000.

Actually, I will gladly let you keep your money if you just admit that you're FUCKING WRONG.

"Wrong" does not register in the Nerbly1000 Colecovision computard.

homophobic musicians

Not sure if this has been pointed out yet as time constraints have forced me to skim the last four pages, but...

One of the many reasons it's more acceptable to be homophobic than racist in our society is that black culture itself is, in general, pretty homophobic, even more so than white culture is (which is crazy considering how homophobic white culture is [white culture is, in general, quite homophobic]).
Last edited by Eating Noddemix on Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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