I've never been all that into Bowie, but Hunky Dory is such a winner it's painful to ignore for too long.
That's what I'm listening to righ now. Though, come to think of it, "Queen Bitch" is getting many repeats -- like whenever I listen to Lust for Life and "That Passenger" comes on -- so maybe that's all I'm listening to right now.
Btw, in the new Chris Marker DVD on Criterion (which I heartily recommned) there's a snippet amogn the extras from a french tv show doign a story on a then-recent David Bowie video based on La Jetee. The funny thing is, at one point in their summation of Bowie's reference toward the film they go so far as to say, with a straighface, that Bowie was literally a tiem traveler from the future and that that's why he was always arguably "ahead of his time," and a success for so many years. Had it not been such a hoot I would've punched my laptop. Pretensious French stuff is funny, that's how deep my Francophilia* runs.
I'm actually French, among other thigns, so I can't legitimately be considered a Francophile. Still, one can dream...
What Are You Listening To Right This Second?
1502Joni Mitchell - Sire Of Sorrow (Job's Sad Song)
I only heard this song for the first time the other day and it is haunting my thoughts. This is the version from the Travelogue album, with the Welsh male voice choir on it.
I only heard this song for the first time the other day and it is haunting my thoughts. This is the version from the Travelogue album, with the Welsh male voice choir on it.
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1503eva03 wrote:
Wolves in the Throne Room "Diadem of 12 stars" Fucking amazing epic black metal from Olympia, Washington.
I just discovered those guys myself. Brutal stuff.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture
What Are You Listening To Right This Second?
1504I found a copy of 'The Dark Ages' EP by Bedhead in Oxfam today, so that's what I'm currently listening to. It's great.
I also bought the second 2 Live Crew album and 'The Luke Album' by Luke Campbell. I shall listen to these while undercoating the spare room.
I also bought the second 2 Live Crew album and 'The Luke Album' by Luke Campbell. I shall listen to these while undercoating the spare room.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.
What Are You Listening To Right This Second?
1506Sly and the Family Stone: Fresh.
How is it I never heard this record until 2007? I must be a dumbass.
How is it I never heard this record until 2007? I must be a dumbass.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.
What Are You Listening To Right This Second?
1507Upon your recommendation, I have downloaded this record.Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Sly and the Family Stone: Fresh.
How is it I never heard this record until 2007? I must be a dumbass.
Track one is a minute in and I am happy to have downloaded this.
Thank you sir.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
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1508"Steady as she goes" by Shellac.
Great song, great album, great band.
Great song, great album, great band.
What Are You Listening To Right This Second?
1509242sumner wrote:"Steady as she goes" by Shellac.
Great song, great album, great band.
They're OK, I guess.

What Are You Listening To Right This Second?
1510Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Sly and the Family Stone: Fresh.
That is a criminally under-rated album.
Currently listening to Over The Edge by the Wipers and Willy and The Poor Boys by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Simultaneously on two record players.
It's confusing as fuck.