Rick Reuben wrote:You are pathetic. You're embarassing yourself. What in the fuck is wrong with you? The standard dictionary defintion of 'elite' is this:
elite or e·lites
a. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status:
And you reject the definition to invent your own?? So you can then apply your erroneous definition in an effort to
disprove the existence of elites??? You are a joke.
The way a term is used in a conversation doesn't correlate so simplistically and directly to its dictionary definition. If I am engaged in a conversation about "identity" with a philosopher, with a psychologist, and with some emo kid on myspace, we're likely to be talking about three very different things. There's a logical link between them, and they do all make reference to the dictionary definition of the word. But are they the same thing? No.
So you are now telling me that when you talk about elites, you are simply talking about a group or class of persons who enjoy superior intellectual, social or economic status? Wow! what a fucking fascinating idea. Of course elites thus defined exist. For example, you, as you have reminded many people, are the most intelligent person on this board. Rick, you are, by your own definition, a member of the elite. You have superior intellectual knowledge to most people, therefore you are part of an elite. Doesn't that mean you want to abolish yourself?
No, because, like the slimy little shyster you know you are, you're not simply talking about elites as defined by the dictionary. Or at least, if you are then your claims are made even more incoherent. If we're following to the letter the brief and simplified definition as given by the dictionary, I am part of the social elite because I am not in prison. You are a member of an economic elite because you are not destitute. Nerbly is a member of the intellectual elite because he reads Shakespeare. Funnily enough, the dictionary definition of elite isn't very nuanced. It needs a bit more explaining before it starts to make sense, before you can start to refute the examples I've just given. So your definition of "elite" isn't the dictionary one, is it? It's a more complicated one, that incorporates political ideas, reflects critical modes of thought, etc. Doesn't it?
Doesn't it?
Well, Doesn't it?
I'm not playing games with words, Rick. I just noticed a long time ago that the simple, dictionary definition of "elite" doesn't mean a great deal when discussing politics. Oops, I tried to understand the nuances of things.
You are a phony, a diletant and an intellectual fraud.