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Most degrading thing you ve done when drunk.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:57 am
by AnthonyVillalobos_Archive
fancyjamtime wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
Kayte R. wrote:Oh you're right nobody ever gets raped let's high five guys for threatening to rape a girl. Awesome!

She's right. It's pretty much not funny.

AnthonyVillalobos wrote:Those stats are rigged.

Three of the four most important women in my life have been raped. One was scarred so bad that she shook and cried the first time four or five times we held hands. We deal with the fallout of her rape at least weekly. The second was raped at twelve by her father and spent her junior high and high school years fucking married men for attention. The third was my mother. When she was fourteen, she and her sister were raped by a group of sailors. My grandfather pretty much wanted nothing to do with them after that.

Fratboy humor about rape is akin to redneck humor about homosexuals or Republican golf buddy humor about blacks. The shit is born our of ignorance and fear. The difference is that it's about a thousand times less funny.

I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt and assume that the "funny rape ha ha" bullshit is just "look how drunk I was" oneupsmanship and let it go. You might want to consider that at least a few of the posters on this forum might have been raped.

For the record, the fourth woman that is important to me, the one who hasn't been raped, is my seven year old daughter. You'll forgive me if I'm a bit sensitive about this subject.

I was just fucking around when I wrote that. I in no way was condoning rape or slapping high fives.

It makes me sick that some derranged men will even consider raping a woman or a man.

Although, I'm guilty of laughing at this when I first saw it:

Most degrading thing you ve done when drunk.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:02 am
by fancyjamtime_Archive
that damned fly wrote:fuckin' a, FJT. that shit's ridiculous.

i'm surprised you haven't gone ape shit castrating motherfuckers.

I recognize that this is a statistical anomaly. I do have to say though, helping my wife through her problems initially turned me into an Andrea Dwarkin-acting man hating motherfucker for a bit. Honest to god.

I have two sons that are salt of the earth. One of whom is dating a rape victim by the way. She was at an Ohio State frat party. Huge surprise.

Most degrading thing you ve done when drunk.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:48 am
by yaledelay_Archive
Mine is probally getting on stage when I am way to drunk to be up there, I many people assume I am blasted to the walls up there, but these days I rarely have more than 2-3 beers before I am up on stage...

Most degrading thing you ve done when drunk.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:14 am
by tbone_Archive
I'm going to tell my story with the use of MSPAINT.EXE. Note--this scene takes place my senior year in college:
