comics you like

goatlord wrote:Gunshow, my favourite webcomic alongside Achewood, has ended. Mabe read it? There is some iffy material here and there, and then fucking legendary comics like this one:DIRECTIONS: for the tip, shit's killing me, I started with the first one and am on number 70 right now, can't stop.

comics you like

Gunshow, my favourite webcomic alongside Achewood, has ended. Mabe read it? There is some iffy material here and there, and then fucking legendary comics like this one:DIRECTIONS:, I'm reading a lot of Little Lulu and John Stanley was an all-star A comic writter.

comics you like

I know it's been mentioned a bunch of times, but The Walking Dead is one of the better comics out there, I think. I'm not a comic book guy, but I couldn't recommend TWD enough. Much better than the shitty TV adaption.My comic-book loving friend would probably recommend the Spiderman 2099 comics, which, I've heard from him, are really damn good.

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