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Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:00 pm
by jbar_Archive
Shit, that one hits a lil close


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:00 pm
by A_Man_Who_Tries_Archive
icing wrote:tony ciarrocchiJune 8th at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills. 12:30.That's an odd one. What's the story with this, fella?


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:00 pm
by A_Man_Who_Tries_Archive
Man, that's a sad loss. Sounds like a good guy.Sorry for bringing it up by the way. To be honest I found the message hard to read with a date a few days ahead and all. It read like the kind of thing that maybe needed an intervention. I see now that's details for a ceremony.


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:00 pm
by icing_Archive
tony ciarrocchiJune 8th at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills. 12:30.


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:00 pm
by icing_Archive
no, you're right. on reread seemed like I was predicting. it's his wake/internment (not totally sure).


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:00 pm
by icing_Archive
tony ciarrocchiaka hardeye filmswas the original(?) bassist for shorty. I met him at columbia college in the late 80's, we were both in the film dept. he made the coopie n me video for shorty on film. someone else did the transfer, and I did the online for it. (used to be you would do a low quality video edit at home, then find some place with expensive video hardware to do the final 'online'.) he taped I would guess every u.s. maple show, plus all the b roll, plus a bunch if not all of their videos. also did a melt banana video, which got some mtv play and maybe an award I believe. there's also an unreleased hd multicam of the (last?) jesus lizard cabaret metro chicago show. he was the original stand up guy. would do anything for you if you were friends. wanted nothing more than for the bands he loved to do well and make it. thought grunge totally stole the thunder from all the great midwest bands of the late 80's/90's. was an exceptional still photographer. worked virtually for free to make all these videos. moved out to la with his girlfriend editor, later wife. I hooked up with him again out here maybe 15 years ago, we'd hang out a fair bit or have marathon phone calls. there was often drinking involved. I had a couple kids, they didn't, then he found out he had a 19 year old daughter. couple years back he stopped returning my calls, I assumed I'd said some dumb shit, which I'm more than capable of doing. or it could have been his lung cancer diagnosis and he was shrinking his circle tighter. he leaves behind a newfound daughter, a wife, family and friends, and a boatload of unfinished or finished and undealed footage of his favorite bands.


Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:00 pm
by Sprague Dawley_Archive
travis k wrote:When will someone ultra famous die? It seems to just be taking forever.theyre all gonna cark it inside a 6 month span the year after next. The Stones, Dylan, Neil Young, Mcartney, Pink Floyd, Robert Plant, Ozzy, Stevie Wonder, the whole fucken lot. The internet will be so tapped out from feigning fake grief that by about the 4th month it'll be oh, Ringo died, thoughts and prayers, whatevs dude


Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:00 pm
by cwendeld_Archive
Bushwick Bill at 52.


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:00 pm
by Boombats_Archive
saw this thread and the Stern one bumped and hoped...


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 7:00 pm
by flytox_Archive
Joà o Gilberto. Sad.