Total votes: 27 (18%)
Total votes: 121 (82%)
Total votes: 148

Band: AC-DC

tommydski wrote:The music of AC/DC seems to me to be very male. That isn't a criticism, just an observation or a gut reaction. Perversely I'm something of a misandrist and I tend to recoil from things I find to be very male. Again, I am this way because of twenty-three years of occurences that have gradually forced me to this position. Not suggesting this is healthy or correct. It's just the way things are. My entire life has pushed me into a position where I could never enjoy AC/DC.

Not to pull apart your reasoning or by any means start a row, but you're a football fan, no? I might be wrong, but I see your name cropping up in the football season thread occasionally.

I don't think there's anything I find more 'male' than that game and the culture surrounding it- far more so than any form of music, save maybe the douchiest of power lifting nu metal. Even then thats just one comical, over inflated aspect of masculinity, rather than football, which seems to encompass the lot, with many of the worst aspects often coming to the fore.

Band: AC-DC

For whatever reason, the criteria which I use to judge sport and art is different.

Houston_M wrote:The music of Shellac and Dazzling Killmen is very male; admit it tommydski, you think AC/DC are dumb, stupid, brainless, unartistic even.

Nope. I used very specific wording at some length to explain why I don't like AC/DC. I don't know how I could be any clearer in justifying my vote, which was an honest one.

Incidentally, Shellac are not very male. Think about the lyrics to just about any one of their songs and compare them to AC/DC. It's not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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