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TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:00 pm
by JZ1978_Archive
Selling my Traynor combos. Both have been opened up and maintenanced up by me. Changed out power cables, inputs and the boost switch on the 120B. The 140 has new speakers (Eminence Swamp Thangs). Both are in Chicago and ready to be tried out. Feel free to send me a PM or post here. I am at the Sacramento/Carroll spot.
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 7:00 pm
by Major_Archive
Give this a good cleaning and it could be pretty sweet paired with the right preamp: ... 43206.html
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 7:00 pm
by n-eight_Archive
Here's a bulletproof budget rig that probably also sounds good.Peavey Series 400 Bass Amp w/ Randall 2x15 Jaguar Cab - $200 ... 14762.html
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 7:00 pm
by n-eight_Archive
Looks like a mid 70s 6-ply kit.1970 s Ludwig Blue / Olive Badge Drum Kit - $400 ... 79375.html
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 7:00 pm
by n-eight_Archive ... 49244.htmlTHE POWER OF TORLEX COMPELS YOU
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 7:00 pm
by twelvepoint_Archive
I d love to one day do music where using half a dozen tom toms would be appropriate and tasteful. Still waiting though!
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 7:00 pm
by weezy_Archive
sort of want
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:00 pm
by Adam P_Archive
Any Chicago folks want to get these mic stands in Homer Glen and ship them to me? Please??\\_id%253D0%2526rvr\_ts%253D1017b3f216b0a4e967008d5cffff599c
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:00 pm
by offal_Archive
twelvepoint wrote:I d love to one day do music where using half a dozen tom toms would be appropriate and tasteful. Still waiting though!Yeah, if I ever found myself with enough spare cash and the space to waste on such a silly extravagance, I d still love to have the 3-rack-tom, double-kick setup I always wanted but never got around to in my thrash metal days. Even if it s just to play along to records at the house. It would be my equivalent of retired boomer driving a restored muscle car through his neighborhood drive-through on warm Saturday nights to get ice cream.
TRAYNORetcALERT- craigstlist/eBay thread
Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:00 pm
by four_oclocker_2_Archive
offal wrote:twelvepoint wrote:I d love to one day do music where using half a dozen tom toms would be appropriate and tasteful. Still waiting though!Yeah, if I ever found myself with enough spare cash and the space to waste on such a silly extravagance, I d still love to have the 3-rack-tom, double-kick setup I always wanted but never got around to in my thrash metal days. Even if it s just to play along to records at the house. It would be my equivalent of retired boomer driving a restored muscle car through his neighborhood drive-through on warm Saturday nights to get ice cream.As a guy who bought a 70s 4-piece 3-ply Ludwig kit last year that came with 4 additional matching 6-ply concert toms, all I can say is that it is so choice.