Little details from your day

spacebar wrote:A fella named Richard walks into my office this morning. He buys old office equipment. he hands me a flier and says he's "outstanding in his field". On the flier is a full-color picture of him... out, standing in a field. He hands me his card, which is a baseball card. His phone number is "Richard". For fuck's sake, his name and phone number are both "Richard"!

What a dick.

Little details from your day

after a long frustrating week of mishearings and hating the world of education i finally got a sensible answer from some guy at edexcel saying i would only have to pay 30quid for all of my results, not per subject as some shrimp had told me.

i just called up admissions at the faculty to see if i could work them and still be considered even if my certificate was nowlikely to arrive later than the day of enrollment. i spoke to an awesome tutor who asked me to tell her my results OVER THE PHONE. i did and she said she'd arrange an interview for me.

WTF? is that all?!! no, really, they still need my certs which they will get now but about 10 mins after speaking to this tutor, i got a call and now my interview is next wednesday!!!! hooorahhh!!!!

i can't wait to stuff this job!!! whooop!!!
i'm celebrating in brighton next weekend if anyone's around!!! i'm so happy.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

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