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New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:52 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
Who knows what the deal could be really? The thread goes back to late ''s on the EA home page almost everyday...we'll just have to communicate more...or we might eventually have to call a moratorium on the thread. We are a self-regulating community, after all. Let's keep a lid on this little gem so we can all continue to enjoy it.

If you have a Sendspace account, make sure to alert the board immediately if one of your uploads has been downloaded an unusual number of times over a short period.

"Unusual" probably constitutes about 100 downloads or more overnight...but use your best judgment. Report anything you find to be suspicious, and we'll put you in your place if you're a being a paranoid freak. Pay attention to your accounts.

It's a neighborhood watch, people! :smt066

As an experiment, (and a thank you to the most common frequenters of this thread) I will upload something in just a little while. It'll be my first upload here...but I've been goin' to lots of shows...lots of touring bands that get paid jack shit...

I might not be able to upload all the files into one zip file. If you don't download it, it's your loss because you're not going to be able to find this music virtually anywhere.

It will often be new music. And just when you thought we were totally screwed...

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:21 pm
by rayj_Archive
Nina wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:
Nina wrote:If you have lagged on getting any of the stuff I have put up, I will give you fair warning... get it now, I am closing my sendspace account in the next couple of days.

Thanks you.

Lord, why??

My account has been um, compromised.

Damn. That sucks. At least upload a picture, so when I impress people with my coolguy knowledge of good music, I can point to it and say "blame her"...

Oh, wait. Is this a legal thing? Nevermind on the joke...

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:03 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you San Francisco's Low Red Land. This incredibly kind NorCal three piece gave my poor ass a CD on the condition that I would go smoke weed in the van with them. Sold.

I was discovered by a member of a band I respect (his band was playing on the bill with Low Red Land that night). I don't know if he disapproved or not, but I doubt he gives a shit. Judging by their suitcase full of CDs and merch, I think they'd probably appreciate a little promotion amongst the discriminating individuals of this thread.

Low Red Land - Weight of Nations
(Recorded Live to Tape in Gilbert, Arizona [April 2nd & 3rd, 2006]).

The tracks are posted in their playing order. My "people friendly" iMac will not allow for these songs to be posted in a single file. Sorry, douchers! [EDIT: Fortunately, ant man bee is people friendly. The album is now zipped in one file]. - They're still on a long-ass tour. Perhaps they're coming through your town...Mid-Atlantic, New England, Pac-NW, on the lookout for this fantastic live group.

If you like Neil Young and two subtle, understated voices that blend together so perfectly that it's almost as if they're double tracked, then you will like this anthemic, guitar-centric power trio.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:12 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Minotaur029 wrote:The tracks are posted in their playing order. My "people friendly" iMac will not allow for these songs to be posted in a single file. Sorry, douchers!

That one made me laugh.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:23 pm
by ant man bee_Archive
Minotaur029 wrote:My "people friendly" iMac will not allow for these songs to be posted in a single file. Sorry, douchers!

Sure it will! You need to put the files into one folder, right click (ctrl-click) and hit archive. This will create a .zip file which can then be uploaded.

This is the same as on a PC. normal folder cannot be uploaded until they have been put into a compressed format.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:30 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Do you have any idea how long I was bugging people about zipping up my files on this thing? All anyone ever gave me was Windows advice. Seriously, at least ten people gave me the same worthless advice.

Hey ant man bee, you're people friendly.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:32 pm
by ant man bee_Archive
Okay so here is what I propose as a solution for this new predicament:

When I started this thread, it was originally intentioned to be for people who owned the vinyl of a record to have the means of getting a copy of something on digital medium for our fancy schmancy ipods or whatever.

This original intent was superceded and thusly, we have all been enriched with tremendous music. I honestly thought this thread would die a quick death here and it's success makes me really happy and truly shows the true spirit of many of the people on this board.

I think that from this point on the only things that should be uploaded onto the main thread should be albums which are out of print or have never released.

However, if someone wants something that is readily available (like the Extra Golden I asked for earlier) as a supplement to the vinyl copy they purchased, this can still be uploaded by a kind soul, but PM'ed to whomever requested rather than publicly posted.

Personally, so long as we are only publicly posting material that is not available for purchase, and thus not ripping off anyone, then I don't see the harm in people visiting this and taking advantage.

The only way I can really see to get around this any other way would be to password protect the thread some way. This seems way over the top and counter-productive to the "sharing" aspect of what we are doing here.

When I rip an OOP Anthony Braxton record, I want as many people to enjoy it as possible!

Let me know your thoughts...

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:43 pm
by Minotaur029_Archive
Hmmm...I dunno ant man the case of a Low Red Land for one would have heard of them anyway.

I learn so much from this pains me to think of people limiting their selections. Most of these records I wouldn't find one is pirating stuff (in the context of "I'm a peddler on the streets of Beijing and I have a copy of Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx in Collateral for one American dollar")...Nina's problem might be an anomaly. Hence the neighborhood watch suggestion as posted would be nice to know if anyone else is having problems...and if so, of what nature.

PMing might be a solution, but what about those who are here to learn? I've been absorbing music from a massive consciousness, not making requests, you know?

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:19 pm
by murderedman_Archive
ant man bee wrote:When I rip an OOP Anthony Braxton record, I want as many people to enjoy it as possible!

Let me know your thoughts...

I think I need some more Anthony Braxton.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:25 pm
by Skronk_Archive
I think this could just be a fluke, or a one time thing, in regards to a problem. I don't know how much good shit I've been exposed to because of this thread, and I think it's still a good idea to keep it going the way it has been for 85 pages.
