9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

hey clocker bob...I *feel* your frustration. I really have tried to follow your links but they spread far and wide.

I appreciate your patience.

If you do have a link to something that specifically addresses the rate of collapse issue with fully worked out mathematical models and quantification with real world units I'd love to see it.

I don't say that as a ploy or a tactic. I really would love to see it.

cheers, Phil

9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

(Aside to Earwicker and perhaps others.

If you are interested in the issue of extraterrestial life and it's probability of existing and so on...here is a book of collected scientific papers that is quite good I think...

Extraterrestrials: Where are they?

Zuckerman and Hart, editors

Cambridge Press

It's out of print, but you should be able to find a cheap used copy online like I did. There is some math, but even the most mathiphobic can get quite a bit out of the book by just skipping over the math parts).

9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

I know this isn't fair or objective...and I promise to not claim that it proves anything...but it's just too good to withhold...

Check out Jones' paper on depictions of Christ and stigmata in Mayan art.

And please don't hate me for this...


These discoveries have provided me a deeper appreciation for the reality of the resurrection of Jesus and of His visit to "other sheep" who heard His voice and saw His wounded hands as did Thomas. My hope is that these new insights will encourage you to seriously consider the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Christ. Why don't you start reading right away? The Apostle Paul said: "Prove all things. Hold fast that which is good." (I Thessalonians 5:21) Why not? I've done this and for me, the Book of Mormon is a remarkable new witness for Christ, standing as a companion to the Bible.

http://www.physics.byu.edu/faculty/jone ... igures.htm

9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

Earwicker wrote:
cwiko wrote:Yes, Earwicker, I do. I think it's strictly too high of a probability that there is life in other parts of the universe. Couple that with all of the secrecy and hearsay of goings-on at Area 51 and I do believe you've got something happening there.

So - A - the chances are there is life on other planets somewhere in the unverse.
B - something top secret is going on in Area 51

equals - we have contacted alien life and have used their technology to develop our own

(That's some leap. Maybe Area 51 is secret for, well, some other reason that could be explained by the military's need to keep certain earthly things secret. This seems very much more likely to me.)

I do believe that you've got my previous response mixed up with that of Bob's. I never once purported that our gov't was using alien technology or holding meetings with little green men. Please check back a page (maybe two) and get back to me.

9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

Earwicker wrote:
clocker bob wrote: You're a retard. You didn't read my supporting documents because you're a retard or a CIA plant. I finally got to meet a CIA plant after posting about 9/11 for three months-excellent.

I very much like the cut of your jib, Bob. i have alot of time for your opinions and the research you do but for me you do occasionally overstep the mark.

You don't really think Galanter is a CIA plant do you?
He's been popping on the evolution thread for months before he came over here so that would be a pretty elaborate and convoluted ruse.

Galanter to my mind knows his stuff. I agree I don't think he is being objective about the official story but I don't see him as a closed minded person and any reasonable debate you could have with him is reduced by making claims like this.

He immediately presumes you an utter crack because no one knows better then him that he isn't a CIA plant (unless he is of course - cue Twilight Zone music)

I would go see a band named Utter Crack.

9-11 Synthetic Terror: The Cover Up, Five Years In

cwiko wrote:I do believe that you've got my previous response mixed up with that of Bob's. I never once purported that our gov't was using alien technology or holding meetings with little green men. Please check back a page (maybe two) and get back to me.

I must admit I haven't gone and looked back but if you are not referring to reverse engineering etc then what do you think is happening in Area 51 - 2 whatever?

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