bigc wrote:Your fallacy ridden non-logic is soooo beyond me. I just don't 'get you' man!
I'll be content to sit back and watch everyone else, who isn't as easily irritated by dumbfucks like you, make you look like a complete dumbfuck...even more.
Dumbfuck? I can handle. That exposes your maturity. Fallacy ridden non-logic? That's harsh but it's hard to take this judgment seriously after the dumbfuck statement.
I just wanted a discussion on a major current issue. I know I haven't answered every question or countered every point, only for the sake of time, but I believe I've answered most things in a clear manner. I'm not into simply providing concrete examples (which I have actually done in this thread, I guess we need to work on our reading comprehension skills) because then people start countering with their own hand-picked concretes and it distracts from the discussion on the ideas themselves.
Please reject the nihilist philosophy that ideas are just floating abstractions with no 'actual' worldly applications or consequences. This is a fundamental tenet that nationalist and religious fascists love to preach in order to get you to forfeit your mind and body.
A few people did attack my ideas and made it interesting. If that's all that happened, this thread would have been maybe 3 pages long and a lot more entertaining, I promise. But it is a forum.