Sam Adams Beer is Shit

Total votes: 4 (36%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 7 (64%)
Total votes: 11

Beer that you dislike

SecondEdition wrote:Stella Artois. That is one pisspoor excuse for beer.

When we were in London a few years back, we ducked into pretty cheesy pub to get out of the rain. I was fascinated by the taps for perhaps a dozen British Isles beers with which I was unfamiliar. When I asked the young bartender for a recommendation, he said "Stella."

Either he was a dumbbell, or he heard my American accent and figured me for a dumbbell who wanted the closest thing to Bud Light.

Beer that you dislike

Shiner Bock is some vile shit. I have no idea how it has managed to carve out a place for itself as a popular "craft beer," because it tastes like sweaty taint. It can make a decent BBQ sauce though. ("it" meaning Shiner Bock; I've never tried to make a BBQ sauce from taint sweat . . . but drop me a line if your birthday is coming up)

Heineken is nasty piss-water, but it's convenient for profiling when you're out on the town.

There aren't any domestic macros that I enjoy, but I generally don't find one more offensive than another.

Among the respected craft brews, I just can't get into Dogfish Head Shelter Pale Ale.

Beer that you dislike

Rachi wrote:Steinlager- Gives me the worst fucking headaches and tastes like ass

Bought a six pack of Steinlager earlier this year. There's a Chills song about this beer, a song they wrote in the hope of getting free bottles and glasses of it. Well, I like this song. A lot. And I love The Chills. So I decided to give Steinlager a shot, figuring it must be good if the mighty Martin Phillips penned a song about it.

Boy, was I disappointed.

Sure, it didn't taste so great, but more unsettling was the fact that drinking Steinlager felt like a nonexperience. A nonexperience I paid nearly ten bucks for.

Beer that you dislike

I just had Gubernija Grand 95 Extra Lager. "The Ninja." It's from Lithuania.

This shit is horrible. It starts with a heavy rubbing alcohol flavor, moving to old corn syrup, with a dead mouse finish.

Every malt liquor I've had is better than this. Every home brew I've ever had is better than this. This shit will make a man Straight Edge.

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