Wernehm_Zackariaah wrote:I was lauging my ass off when writing that. I'm not mad at all. Well, maybe a bit mad in the "mad hatter" sense...
But pardon my French. If people are speaking in French, it makes sense to speak in French. These are just words, kids. They can't hurt you. I just needed to communicate on a level that some people only understand. If you think these hurt you, you're halfway to becoming a fascist. Now all you have to do is pass some laws to make sure nothing perceived as hurtful is uttered...
OK, you missed the point. The point was that it's really funny to say that I get mad when people disagree with me, and then show the extent of your French. It was just a humorous juxtaposition. Nobody's feelings got hurt by your juvenile barbs, and nobody here is advocating anything close to censorship.
Then again, people unfamiliar with Frank Zappa may also be unfamiliar with these concepts. I have yet to be proven wrong.
Ha! That's fantastic! I suppose the founding fathers were listening to the Mothers when they enshrined this kind of idea in our constitution? Because otherwise, where would they have gotten it?
Seems like ironyengine (who admits to liking Zappa) gets this. Not the biggest sample size to prove my point, but so far this is the case.
Oh and...
You have not once addressed Mr. Zappa's artistic endeavors,
I listened to a bunch of his songs, and I told you what I thought of them and why I didn't like them. No, I didn't describe in detail what the songs sounded like. I didn't see the point in boring everybody, frankly. We break Rule 3 because it makes it more interesting. Your Rule 3 violations make it
less interesting, and to be honest, I think it's more than a little out of place on Crap/Not Crap. Don't get me wrong and fly off the handle: I'm not saying Shut Up, and I'm not saying that somebody should Shut You Up, I'm just saying that detailed descriptions of individual songs are rarely found in C/NC threads, and for a reason.
and you misquoted me to make it look like I said opinions are valid in a debate, when in actuality I went on to describe the material... The whole description was condensed to a parenthetical notation.
I didn't think it was necessary to waste space, and everybody's time, reprinting what you had just written. Again, if anyone wanted to read it, they could have just scrolled up.
I briefly gave my opinion, and then said my opinion doesn't matter in a debate, here's a discussion of the material. But you don't know enough about Zappa to discuss his material.
And you don't know enough about C/NC to
not discuss it.
I was mistaken. It was Placeholder who made up the elitist argument, probably because the person on page 1 made some pretty elitist arguments (the Ishtar soundtrack thing is really funny!).
http://www.electrical.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=12903#12903Nonetheless, good points were made, and I would have to say, it takes a bit of effort to ignore Zappa's pop music, and listen to his true musical achievements.
That's mighty white of you.
The you jumped on the bandwagon, a little bit, but weren't as delusional as Placeholder, who put a lot of words I just never said in my mouth.
You were the one who went into (what I am assuming to be) a sarcastic dialog about how great 3 chord songs are, and that you'd rather listen to the same 3 chords as long as the singer was singing something you wish you had said.
I guess a careless reading of what I said might lead someone to represent it in those terms. Let's go to the tape:
I wrote:OK, I'm listening to some Zappa, and boy, it's not that great. Some of it's pretty impressive, which to me is rarely a good thing. I'd much rather hear two guitars*, bass and drums and some guy/gal singing like yelling about something real simple like a car or a love affair than this.... art. If I want to be impressed by music, I don't want to be impressed by how many instruments a dude could write parts for in one composition, or how fast or complex a guitar solo can be, or how clever and wittily nonsensical the lyrics can be, or how well a dude can demonstrate his ability to blend punkfunkdoowopbebophiphopsurfskarastabossanovaCRAP! Impress me by playing the same 3 chords I always hear, and making it sound like a brand new song. Impress me by playing and singing with an intensity that isn't related to speed or volume. Impress me by writing lyrics that make me say not I wish I'd thought of that, but I've been thinking of that all along, and this fucker went and wrote it down. This Zappa, it is soulless, it's art, it's jazz fusion, it's complicated, it's prog, it's everything I don't like about rock and roll, and it's Crap.
First off, there's no sarcasm in that. None. When I say that I'd rather hear a simple song, that doesn't mean that I only like simple songs, just that I prefer them to Zappa. When I say that certain things impress me more than the technically impressive things that Zappa does, I don't mean I only like those things, I just mean that I like those things better than what Zappa's doing. And note that I never said, as you repeat ad nauseam, that I only like lyrics that I wish I'd said. Look at the quote, you'll see it's not dramatically, but significantly different than that.
I like some 3 chord stuff. PH's "Nadir's Big Chance" has very simple songs, as it's a satire of an arrogant rock star who spends more time on his hair and banging chicks, than on music. Joe's Garage (the song) is very simple. Again, a satire of the ubiquitous, talentless rock musician:
FZ wrote:And the same old chords goin' over 'n' over
Became a symphony
We would play it again 'n' again 'n' again
'Cause it sounded good to me
We could jam in Joe's Garage
His mama was screamin', "TURN IT DOWN!"
We was playin' the same old song
In the afternoon 'n' sometimes we would
Play it all night long
It was all we knew, and easy too
So we wouldn't get it wrong
Even if you played it on a saxophone
We thought we was pretty good
See, I'll take your word for it, I guess, but that doesn't sound like satire to me, it sounds like a celebration of one of the finer things in life, high energy, straight ahead, fast and simple rock and roll. If Zappa's dissing this experience, that's a big point against Zappa in my book.
The funny thing is, Zappa is incapable of making a simple pop song.
And that's an even bigger point against Zappa in my book. I don't know if this is true or not, but if so, that probably pushes me back into the Crap camp on this.
From the purposefully out-of-tune horns,
Wrong on purpose is still wrong.
to the 20 girls clog dancing, his meticulous attention to detail and "hard work" makes for an unconvincing satire of a simple rock band. Then again, compared to "Inca Roads", this is a simple pop song. Ah, if only Interpol could have showed him the way...
Ugh. I guess I finally got it through your head that I don't like the Sex Pistols, so now you're using Interpol. Try Modern Lovers. "Roadrunner" is one the best (approximately) three minutes ever, and by your own testimony, something Frank Zappa is incapable of. If you want to make sarcastic comments about the music I like, use Modern Lovers.
Ok, I'm going to go running... Network is still a Nyetwork. But let's talk about "Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbeque"... please?
Against my better judgment, I may actually take you up on this. I download music from one legal site, and zero illegal ones. So, if they don't have it, I won't listen to it. Unless it's on Joe's Garage, because I own that. I'll check...
And nice Groening reference, ad verecundiam though it may have been.
Why do you make it so scary to post here.