New EA sendspace thread

Colonel Panic wrote:It is really an amazing record. I been listening to it over and over all morning.

It's Dylan at his musical peak, absolutely. The only shame is that Blood on the Tracks is not in the sonic vein of his golden '60s period...fortunately, Blood on the Tapes captures the Dylan of old rolled into the Dylan of early to mid-thirties maturity...that's what makes this bootleg so special. The officially released version is beautiful too...but it is a Dylan captured in his time and place...the bootleg version is timeless.

When his vocals rise, you really get a sense of the space in the room. The sparse bass accompaniment is perfectly appropriate as well. It's too bad that "Simple Twist of Fate" and "Buckets of Rain" do not seem to exist in a BOTT context...but 8 outta 10 ain't bad.

The pain in these recordings is palpable...Dylan seems to be playing less of a "part" during this period than at any other point in his career...Blood on the Tapes is perhaps the closest the listener ever gets to the "real" Bob...of course...with Dylan, it's nearly impossible to tell...
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

New EA sendspace thread

rayj wrote:Mmm...Thanks for all the Antony Braxton. It is hard to find good LP's of a lot of his stuff, and the pricing/quality of those LP's is wildly variable.

No sweat...I am slightly obsessed with his work so I am always glad to spread the wealth!
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

New EA sendspace thread

klem wrote:if you own a copy, download, if not, buy the damn things. these guys should be rewarded royally for making this stuff.

Does anyone know if the Cherubs still actually get anything from buying their used stuff? I used to have 'Heroin Man', and own 'Icing', but I haven't found the other releases in anything but resale sites...

I'd rather buy it by sending the guys in the now-defunct band some money than any other route, but they seem to be out of the game.

New EA sendspace thread

rayj wrote:
klem wrote:if you own a copy, download, if not, buy the damn things. these guys should be rewarded royally for making this stuff.

Does anyone know if the Cherubs still actually get anything from buying their used stuff? I used to have 'Heroin Man', and own 'Icing', but I haven't found the other releases in anything but resale sites...

I'd rather buy it by sending the guys in the now-defunct band some money than any other route, but they seem to be out of the game.

I'm with you. It's hard not to equate used CD stores with torrent sites that require a fee. I'm also curious what those guys are up to now. Anyone?

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