Re: What are you thinking right this second?
1741The AI bot pages on Facebook are really getting annoying. How many "Best comics funny #everycomicstripnamebutusuallythefarside" and "Why don't pictures like this ever trend? (picture of AI-generated murica military thing)" pages am I gonna have to block every day? Fucking boomers. I can almost guarantee they're the ones liking and spreading these pages. "HeRbLE GerBle ThEy suRe DonT MaKe RAciST MiSoGyniST COmIC StriPS LiKE ThIS ANyMorE HyEErrGHHGGargle. BLAzIng SaDDlEzs COuLD NeVEr Be Made TOdYA BeCuASE MiLEnnIAllASSss ArEE To WokEHuRrGghhghhhhh."
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)