placeholder wrote:Fuck off:
- Ellipses with more than three dots, unless the fourth dot is a sentence-ending period.
- People who make write a decade like it's possessive, instead of abbreviated, i.e. "70's" instead of "'70s."
Agreed! The New York Times, why must you do this!? You confuse children who I must then yell at. About an apostrophe! New York Times "style" that makes no sense, FUCK O'FF!
And also: "ect.": FUCK OFF!
Rush hour tailgating motherfucking drivers who do not recognize I am going
the exact same speed as the car two car-lengths ahead of me, so they pass me to fill in the safety margin: FUCK OFF.
Satellite radio: FUCK OFF!
Salty residue which coats my car and, eventually, my pants: FUCK OFF!
That annoying "biddley-BOOP" that cell-phone walkie-talkies make, which one can hear from a quarter mile: FUCK OFF!
Guy who left plastic cup of indeterminate alcoholic bevvy on the floor of NJTransit train: FUCK OFF for filling my shoe with sweet-smelling likker.
Periods outside the quotation marks: FUCK OFF!
2001 Passat cupholders, which hold no cup ever fucking made: FUCK OFF!
Levis 511s costing $60: FUCK OFF!
People who think "" is funny: FUCK OFF! You are braindead asshole morons who destroy our country.
My coffee machine, which is too likely to overflow due to terrible design: FUCK OFF!
Black Water: FUCK OFF!
Amy's burritos: No, we're down.
70 degrees/20 degrees/70 degrees, and the resulting destruction of local roadways, sidewalks and bridges: FUCK OFF!
Space Echo tape sticking to head: FUCK OFF!
Alesis Masterlink burning unreadable CDRs: FUCK OFF!
Fundamentalist Capitalists: FUCK OFF!