The FUCK OFF Thread.

My "career" can fuck off.
I hate this industry.
Anyone have experience in completely changing a career path after being involved in said career path for like 15 years?

I'm seriously looking for advice if anyone has experience in something like what I'm talking about here.


Like I'm feeling like I'm miserable in current position in current chosen career field and I'm feeling like if I don't get out soon it'll be too late.
I'm feeling trapped because I cannot afford an immense pay cut to switch jobs and that's why I continue to do this job I hate.

The FUCK OFF Thread.

placeholder wrote:Fuck off:

- Ellipses with more than three dots, unless the fourth dot is a sentence-ending period.
- People who make write a decade like it's possessive, instead of abbreviated, i.e. "70's" instead of "'70s."

Agreed! The New York Times, why must you do this!? You confuse children who I must then yell at. About an apostrophe! New York Times "style" that makes no sense, FUCK O'FF!

And also: "ect.": FUCK OFF!

Rush hour tailgating motherfucking drivers who do not recognize I am going the exact same speed as the car two car-lengths ahead of me, so they pass me to fill in the safety margin: FUCK OFF.

Satellite radio: FUCK OFF!

Salty residue which coats my car and, eventually, my pants: FUCK OFF!

That annoying "biddley-BOOP" that cell-phone walkie-talkies make, which one can hear from a quarter mile: FUCK OFF!

Guy who left plastic cup of indeterminate alcoholic bevvy on the floor of NJTransit train: FUCK OFF for filling my shoe with sweet-smelling likker.

Periods outside the quotation marks: FUCK OFF!

2001 Passat cupholders, which hold no cup ever fucking made: FUCK OFF!

Levis 511s costing $60: FUCK OFF!

People who think "" is funny: FUCK OFF! You are braindead asshole morons who destroy our country.

My coffee machine, which is too likely to overflow due to terrible design: FUCK OFF!

Black Water: FUCK OFF!

Amy's burritos: No, we're down.

70 degrees/20 degrees/70 degrees, and the resulting destruction of local roadways, sidewalks and bridges: FUCK OFF!

Space Echo tape sticking to head: FUCK OFF!

Alesis Masterlink burning unreadable CDRs: FUCK OFF!

Fundamentalist Capitalists: FUCK OFF!

The FUCK OFF Thread.

nihil wrote:My grandpa's visits to the hospital: Fuck Off

My drummer: Fuck Off

The glass of wine I cannot find: Fuck Off

Belmont: Fuck Off. Really. You are nothing but a twat.

My gut: Fuck Off.

Everyone who has let loose in this thread (with the exception of Belmont) Fuck Yeah!

The guy that plays drums in the band that I am in: Fuck Off.

My Mom: I Love You. (I don't care if everyone has had a ride) I still love you. Go mom!

My freakishly large cock: Fuck Off
hey chief! did you have to drink the entire box of wine? oh, i love your fucking mom too! gigedy! gigedy! alright! oh yeah, get a job! fat ass!

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