Shellac chopped & screwed...?

lemur68 wrote:
Boombats wrote:
SecondEdition wrote:
lemur68 wrote:Rapping? That's just people talkin'!

So what. You didn't have problems when the guy from Slint just "talked".

Lemur68 was joking I believe. And made me chuckle.

Yeah, see, "it's just talking" is a common complaint of people, or "haters", if you will, who don't understand rap, and what I did right there was make fun of that by repeating it in a facetious manner.

Of all the internet places to have to spell that out....

I already said I was kidding. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

To those who did, thanks for checking that stuff out. Apparently about a dozen of you downloaded the mix (yeah, I checked -- why, what do YOU do on company time?). Appreciate your taking the time.

As for the great debate, I'm glad to see that the late entry by JC23by5 seems to have wrapped it up neatly. I had a feeling that zom-zom was just dicking around, but it's always nice to see that old "I was just kidding all those times & you guys took it seriously, but seriously I wasn't totally kidding, but it's nothing to do with me, you guys are just so worked up" caveat. Kudos!

I've also taken a crack at "Doris," but the first pass wasn't good enough to put out there. I'll be sure to keep you-all posted on the next batch, though! Hell, why should this thread be shorter than the one about how old people are, am I right?

Keep it real, homies,

Mr. Graham

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

Mr. Graham wrote:To those who did, thanks for checking that stuff out. Apparently about a dozen of you downloaded the mix (yeah, I checked -- why, what do YOU do on company time?). Appreciate your taking the time.

As for the great debate, I'm glad to see that the late entry by JC23by5 seems to have wrapped it up neatly. I had a feeling that zom-zom was just dicking around, but it's always nice to see that old "I was just kidding all those times & you guys took it seriously, but seriously I wasn't totally kidding, but it's nothing to do with me, you guys are just so worked up" caveat. Kudos!

I've also taken a crack at "Doris," but the first pass wasn't good enough to put out there. I'll be sure to keep you-all posted on the next batch, though! Hell, why should this thread be shorter than the one about how old people are, am I right?

Keep it real, homies,

Mr. Graham

Whatever family member told you that you were funny was lying. It was probably the same person who told you that fucking with Shellac songs was a good idea.

Please go get chopped and screwed.

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

Verdict: I like Cat Power a lot better chopped and screwed.

Things I never thought I would say, right?

TVOTR screwed pretty nicely, too, though it makes his voice creepy as fuck.

Shellac doesn't screw as well, but a different song might do better - something with spikey harmonics flying all over.

ALL of them are more interesting than most chopped and screwed hip-hop tracks - denser melodic context does cooler things when pitched down.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

Shellac chopped & screwed...?

kerble wrote:don't rock dorks have vehement apologists for shit from Jass morons? don't Jass morons have vehement apologists for shit from classical snobs?

Regarding the Jazz and Classical "morons" and "snobs".
(I'm guessing that's what "Jass" is, some inside-joke spelling of Jazz?)

In my line of work, I am surrounded by Jazz and Classical musicians on a daily basis. Also, I work with a lot of old Folkies. Many of these musicians are older than me in the same ratio that I may be older than some of you EA boys.

I realize that this is Internet Message Boards interaction. In the Meat World though, I wonder if some of you guys would still be trying to convince me that Turntable-based music is so wonderful, during musical conversations? I would venture a guess that you would.

I talk about music with our clients. Some of these wonderful, excellent musicians have no idea who Steely Dan is, let alone Slint or Fog. They play their music. It's usually beautiful music. I appreciate their years and years of practice that have enabled them to produce the sounds that they make. I don't try to convince them that if they don't listen to DEVO or Wire or electric guitars and synthesizers, they are narrow-minded idiots and "Old". They have done something very cool with their lives and talent. It's enough for me anyways.

They are entitled to their point of view regarding music in general, and I see no point in arguing about it with them, nor do I see any use in pointing out that they should try to understand something that they most likely would not like or care about.

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