What kind of guitar do you play?

Dad's gear I inherited:

1965 Epiphone Riviera
1970 Yamaha FG180
1989 Fender Telecaster Contemporary (the Black Francis guitar)
1976 Fender Precision
1959 Fender Concert
1972 Fender Bassman

Gear I bought myself:

1963 Fender Jazzmaster (oly white w/ matching headstock)
2004 G&L ASAT Super
1977 Hiwatt DR505
1970 Park 75
1968 Hiwatt SE4123 (shot to shit, retolexed and speakers replaced)

What kind of guitar do you play?

:( Damn this thread really makes me miss my old guitar.

Words really can't express the regret and stupidity that I feel for letting it slip away from me.

It was 1988, I was in high school, and I had saved a chunk of money with which to buy a bicycle. One of the counselors at school had a neighbor friend who wanted to sell a guitar, and word got around that I needed one ('cause I was endlessly borrowing my buddy Stevie's, anytime he'd set it down for even a second).

But I was kind of still thinking of getting a bike (to be more mobile)... and the conversation started off fairly typically... "Yeah, well he's got this guitar... looks pretty sharp - been sittin' in his closet forever and he says he almost never plays it... got a case for it, too..." and I'm kind of thinking "Yeah sure: real low mileage - only drove it to church on Sundays, etc... sure thing". Well the counselor says she'll see if she can bring it by to at least show it to me, and FYI the neighbor guy wants an even $200 for the guitar and case.

Here's what she brought to show me (in about this same condition):


(with the nice hard case similar to this):


I fell in love instantly and never had I sprinted so fast to the ATM
(and it was also the first time in life that I was afraid I'd be hitting an ATM daily withdrawal limit!)

When I think about getting a new guitar, I hesitate between getting a NEW guitar, or trying to hunt down another one of these, just for nostalgia's sake.

As you good peoples of the EA forums scour the various pawn shops throughout your lives... please let me know if you ever come across my old guitar.

You'll know it was mine if you happen across one of these that has the 'RHYTHM'/'TREBLE' bezel on the pickup switch replaced with a red 'ABORT' flip-switchcover from an old AN/UGC-74A teletype:


I'll totally give you $200 for it.

Totally. (sniffle, cry)
Last edited by Arson Smith_Archive on Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

What kind of guitar do you play?

vockins wrote:
Arson Smith wrote:As you good peoples of the EA forums scour the various pawn shops throughout your lives... please let me know if you ever come across my old guitar.


I know, I know! I am considering it - although from the research I've done so far, I think mine might have been a 1979 - ok that's just nitpicking, I know, but... shit, then this one also caught my eye:

similar SG

('cause in my high school years I was an AC/DC freak, so if I'd had my choice back then... )

We'll see.

What kind of guitar do you play?

currently, a '98 mexican fender jazz bass. my first bass. has a badass II bridge on it, and some fender japanese '75 reissue pickups.

i sold all my others:

'98 american fender p-bass. upgraded w/ badass III bridge, and 1/4 lb'er pickup.

'81 ibanez blazer bass. basically a p-bass copy with an extra fret. i loved the symmetry. begins and ends on E.

SX '75 jazz bass copy. sunburst body, maple fretboard w/ black block inlays, black pickguard. for $180 a better bass cannot be bought. unless you find a deal on a blazer.

i sold them to buy an electrical. it's almost done and paid for. wait 'til you see it.

Edit: added some details.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

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