Worst live band you ve ever seen

when she played this year's ATP, I swear to God I heard her tell Jim White to "hit it" with the drum intro to her funk-blues cover of " New York New York".

Big Jim didn't look very amused. I left and went and watched White Magic instead.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Worst live band you ve ever seen

I've seen cat power twice and she was great both times.. A little shambolic but around that there was some great music.. I saw her touring the greatest with a kind of massive blues big band, who were ace, although they did keep segueing into blues jams.. but what do you expect? I saw her touring you are free with a a three piece band that were really good too.. IN fact at that show Sean NA NA/ har mar superstar came onstage and she kissed him... which leads me to say that I too saw Sean Na Na, in about 2002 just before all the har mar superstar stuff took off over here and he did suck.. although the "act" I had just opened the show with was nothing to be proud of either. I have seen alot of bad bands this year most notably a number of acoustic singer songwriters or duos.. just relentless lameness... Some bad acts I've seen have been more memorable than the just plain boring ones though... at least it sticks in the mind.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

that damned fly wrote:
zom-zom wrote:Swans

Royal Trux

Don Caballero

stories, pretty please?

Swans were tainted by their shit-attitude, but even so I watched them with an open mind and it was nothing but bashing on really loud bass, drums and guitar with guy yelling shit. People ate it up, I found it to be boring, contrived and stupid.

Royal Trux= Two extremely fucked-up hippies with an out of tune cheap guitar and a cassette deck. They played tapes, plucked the guitar occasionally and stumbled around the stage mumbling for an hour.

Don Cab= I just found every set I witnessed to be nothing other than an excercise in noodling and masturbation without structure that I could discern. I know many who think they're incredible. Bored me to tears.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

The first time I saw Johnny Thunders play, at, I think, Huey's(later to be called Misfit's) at Broadway and Devon in Chicago, was pretty bad. He was very fucked up and could hardly stand at the mike, or play his guitar. Very pathetic.

I really liked his solo records too, so it was pretty sad.
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Worst live band you ve ever seen

Colonel Panic wrote:The Fun Club

Really. The worst.

you know the fun club rule, you have to post either a link to their myspace or a youtube video with each mention
People who've never seen it or heard it just don't understand the magnitude of suck we are talking about
It's like a diamond, a perfect diamond of horrible lame ass suck
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Worst live band you ve ever seen

One year at Bumbershoot, I saw Violent Femmes with Barenaked Ladies. I don't know why I went.

Barenaked Ladies' set included a "hey, look at us funny, self-deprecating white people" cover of a Public Enemy song. They were excruciating and seemed to go on and on. Lucky me, I got to see them before they were popular.

Violent Femmes managed to be even worse. They stretched simple three-minute songs, which I didn't really care for anyway, into five- or six-minute jams, complete with bass solos and guitar solos. At one point, Gordon Gano had some problems with his amp that took about five minutes to fix, during which time the other two guys "jammed." When it was repaired, Gano said, "Aww, I didn't get to play my guitar solo!" He then proceeded to play his guitar solo. It was awful.

Up to then, I liked their second record. I don't think I ever listened to it again.

There were probably worse shows, but this one sticks out because I really should have known better.
My grunge/northwest rock blog

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Trail of the Dead was mind-numbingly boring. Built to Spill also, but to a lesser extent. Interpol were surprisingly good, as were Pedro the Lion (Bazan had a kick-ass drummer.) Iron and Wine were too quiet for anything but a coffee house. Deerhhoof were really tight, but the opening band played one 15 min. song and looked like a bad Devo knock-off.

I saw Nine Inch Nails at the Tabernacle and they slayed. The crowd, however were as close as I'm going to get to a Gathering of the Juggalos.

Worst show though: Criteria ate my balls.
kerble wrote:you talked smack, now you gotta pony up some tone, hoss.


Worst live band you ve ever seen

DazeyDiver wrote:Trail of the Dead was mind-numbingly boring. Built to Spill also, but to a lesser extent. Interpol were surprisingly good, as were Pedro the Lion (Bazan had a kick-ass drummer.) Iron and Wine were too quiet for anything but a coffee house. Deerhhoof were really tight, but the opening band played one 15 min. song and looked like a bad Devo knock-off.

I saw Nine Inch Nails at the Tabernacle and they slayed. The crowd, however were as close as I'm going to get to a Gathering of the Juggalos.

Worst show though: Criteria ate my balls.

Are you 15, are you just relaying details of all the gigs you've been to? I remember a Trail Of Dead show that was absolutely mind blowing, around the time Mogwai curated ATP here in about 1999ish, they may have gone off the boil but I can think of thousands of worse live bands.

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