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Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:15 am
by simmo_Archive
Under what circumstances should one feel guilty after masturbating? If the subject is someone else's girlfriend? Your best friend's mum? A minor?

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:27 am
by Chapter Two_Archive
holmes wrote: next band was called station.

There was a fine band from Middlesbrough called Station about ten years ago. They featured Matt Woodward - fucking brilliant drummer - from The Dragon Rapide and Al Richardson from Left Engine.

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:57 pm
by Dindon Shazwan_Archive

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:13 pm
by Dindon Shazwan_Archive

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:30 pm
by Bambouche_Archive
13-years ago my best friend and I were in a post-goth neo-industrial avant electronic death metal musique abstraite hardcore outfit called:


You probably won't be surprised to learn we never played live. We recorded ourselves quite a bit, as we were both unemployed at the time (that's part of what got us evicted from that apartment). The name came from a book about violence towards women, describing an instance of being able to prove guilt because the criminal was caught with the evidence in his trousers.

That particular string of words was so overwhelming and creepy to me. I just knew it would be a great band name. SO NOT CRAP! My roommate was kinda iffy. He was more concerned with the name being able to fit on the spine of a tape. Fuck him, though! The name was genius. I just knew it.

That is, until...

There was this Sam Goody in the mall (Eureka, California) where the woman from Sake worked. Any of you who are familiar with Sake know they were a great band. A brother (bass) and sister (violin, vocals) Japanese(?) team that were incredible. There were two other people in the band, but I can't recall them at all.

At the Sam Goody, they had one of those life-sized Mariah Carey cardboard cut-outs ("Dreamlover" era) that my roommate and I thought would look smashing in our living room. Since we'd been to quite a few Sake shows, we figured we had an in.

We went to the mall and the gal from Sake was working, I approached, "Hey, aren't you in Sake?" After we exchanged pleasantries, I enquired about Mariah.

"Well, I guess I could put it on reserve for you? It's not set to leave the floor until next month."

She was a little puzzled as to why my roommate and I wanted it. I had a bit of a crush on this woman, and seeing this conversation drift in the direction of pervy weirdo-ness, I quickly changed the subject back to music, "my friend and I are in a band too."

"Oh?" she asked, "You guys play out?"

"Uh, no... right now we're focusing on recording." [I'm pretty sure that I dropped this industry vernacular thinking it would woo her? Ahh, youth!]

Then she asked me what our band name was.

I blurted it out. So proud. Glowing, probably. Thinking myself a bastion of feminism. After all, I read books!

Then her face wrinkled. She looked pretty creeped out. It was at this second that I realized the name could be taken several ways. She quickly told me someone from the store would call when Mariah was ready to be picked up. (No one ever called.)


I still have a Sake sticker on my guitar case.

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:37 pm
by robert thefamilyghost_Archive
Bambouche wrote:She quickly told me someone from the store would call when Mariah was ready to be picked up.


Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:38 am
by spaghettilee_Archive
I'm bringing this one back. I was in this band that was first called Warrior Woman and then the Sexy Party. Both of those names were NOT CRAP. The name, against my will, was changed to La Bella Angora that name, my friends, is CRAP.

My next band will be named Wonder Counselor or mabe Tight White Jeans-- neither name is CRAP.

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:46 am
by MTAR_Archive
i feel that our band's name, Push-Pull is neither Crap nor Not Crap. That's the point. Coming up with band names ofr your own band is CRAP. Coming up with fake band names: NOT CRAP.

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:41 am
by Marsupialized_Archive
My wife she practices in a building with lots of other bands, I go to pick her up so we can go get some delicious Chicago's pizza. I am in the lobby listening to some band practice in one of the rooms. They have left the door open so everyone who walks in or out gets to hear their awesome power at full volume. I cannot take any more funk metal overdrive so when a break comes between blistering riffs I walk over and stick my head in and say 'hey, what's the name of your band?'
One of them pipes up and says 'Rust'
'Rust?' I ask
'yes Rust'
'That's a stupid fucking name for a band'
They all kinda look at the ground for a second and then dirty metal guitar dude says 'yeah we are gonna change it'
They closed the door after I walked away.

Band Name: Your own band

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:33 am
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
spaghettilee wrote:the Sexy Party

I like this band name a lot.

Unless, you know, you're doing Vanity 6 covers or something.

If not, then I would see this band.