Don t talk to the police

unsaved wrote:
numberthirty wrote:As long as Christians allow bullshit like picketing the funerals of homosexuals and don't show up to take those people to task, They will be despised.

As long as Christians refuse to admit killing doctors who work at abortion clinics amounts to the same terrorisom as is a tactic in the middle east, they will be despised.

As long as Christian leaders call for the assasination of Hugo Chavez, they will be despised.

If as a whole Christians will not condemn these thing, they deserve to be despised.

Yes, and the "christian left" who do not believe or participate in the above like their crazed conservative brethren yet fail to speak out loudly enough against it are also just as deserving. Frequently they can be heard whining "we're the good xtians, we believe in social justice and the 'true' message of jesus, don't lump us in with those wackos, etc. etc." Well, then they should be publicly and vehemently denouncing the beliefs and actions of the radical religious right every single day, ganging up on them like Hitchens and Dawkins and Maher all together on crack. Until then, they're just like the rest.

There are plenty of Christians who abhore these things, and who do denounce them. I'm an atheist, but I know several pastors from the United Church of Christ. To lump then in with the right is just ridiculous, their stance on right wing loonies is well know, and they use their energy in positive ways, and don't waste it by day-in day-out battling with those they disagree with, they spend their energy in a more positive way.

To generalize about any group of people is just foolish. Every group has it's loony hateful fringe; to hold the majority of any one group as responsible for the thoughts and actions of their loony fringe is preposterous in my opinion.
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Don t talk to the police

numberthirty wrote:Mark, I do see what you're saying. However, I do think that more reasonable christians do need to use some of their time to hold the whacked out fringes to account. Not break it up 50/50 with outreach programs/drug counseling/shelters but, spend some time taking people who malign christianity to task openly.

And what, exactly, are they supposed to do, take them out to the woodshed and spank them? You don't think being vocal about what they believe in, and backing it up with actions that at least try to help everyday people in need, is not enough? It's not like these opposing groups have any real common ground, except, maybe, a book they have both read, but have wildly different interpretations about.

You don't think setting a good example and following their own heart isn't enough?

Should indie rockers be taken to task for not doing more than creating their own music, that they instead should be bringing their energy to bear against the Fall Out Boys of the world? :lol:
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Don t talk to the police

It is a lot easier to call me a bigot than to stop and think about what I've said. I understand that considering the possibility that you could be wrong hurts your head.

However, that doesn't make what I'm saying nonsense. There are plenty of people of faith who do hold the loons to account. I have the utmost respect for those people.

It's easy to say "Those people are crazy. Not my problem if they say they're Christians. Not my problem if they use the lord to spew hate."

What's not easy is to try to reach out to people who don't share your faith and stand with them against loons.

I don't see anyone trying that.

Don t talk to the police

Each of the three things I addressed is wrong according to the whole of Christianity as I've seen it. Making a circus out of a funeral? Check. Terrorism? Check again. Christian leader calling for the assasination of Hugo Chavez? Really Big Fuckin' Check.

Feel free to explain to me how Christianity as a whole cannot condemn each of those things.

Don t talk to the police

Rick Reuben wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:I hold no ill will towards others who choose to practice an established religion

Colonel Panic wrote:Religion is commonly used by these assholes in the same way it is here in the West: as a tool to purport authority to oneself, to keep people in line and suppress dissent.
Colonel describes religion as fascistic, but claims that he has no grudge against religious people.
Colonel Panic wrote:People will put up with a lot more inequality, suffering, horror and outrage in their everyday lives if you promise them that they're going to live out the rest of eternity in paradise in exchange for their worldly misery.
Colonel describes religion as mass mind control that cloaks inequality, suffering, horror and outrage, but claims that he has no grudge with religion over this.


Having contempt for the institution of religion and those who abuse it for their own personal gain is not the same thing as despising all practitioners of religion as personal enemies. If you're too thick-headed to understand that, Tom, then I don't know what else to say except that this thread has become increasingly fucking stupid over the past few pages and as usual, it's mostly been a result of your own pointless antagonism and haranguing. Once again, you've prodded yet another compelling discussion into the realm of meaningless triviality with your nitpicking and self-righteous grandstanding.
Last edited by Colonel Panic_Archive on Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Don t talk to the police

Excuse me for agreeing with you for once, asshole.

Fact is, I didn't even read your post until after I'd already posted mine, because of course I'd assumed it was going to be more of your hyperbolic, shit-for-brains asshattery.

Imagine my surprise when I went back and read it, and it actually made some kind of sense. I couldn't believe it. I figured Hell must be freezing over, the very moment you clicked 'Submit'.

You must have gone back on your meds for just that one day, eh Tom? Is that it? Did you reach for the Enzyte and grab the bottle of Haldol by mistake?

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