jason from volo wrote: Wed Jul 07, 2021 12:52 pm
I went into my work office today for the first time since March 2020.
Just as I left it. All of the calendars on the wall and in the cubes still say March 2020. And there's like 10 people here in a building that normally has somewhere approaching 1000.
It is so fucked up.. like the next thing I plan to see is a herd of zombies coming around the corner of the hall.
Today is my first day back in the office since March 15th, 2020. I spent the morning cleaning up all the accumulated junk mail, demo gear shipping boxes and expired snack and shelf-stable foods stashed here, as well as dusting. I also was provided a new laptop during work-from-home, so I had to set up a second docking station here and then run and get the appropriate cables and connectors - since everything else is still at home for the 2-3 days a week we'll still be working from home.
When the shit hit the fan here in Portland over the summer and the "riots" were going on, I took all my artwork of any value from the walls, as well as the camera collection I had on display - both of which now populate my home office. Not sure what will return to brighten up and add interest to this space yet.
Weird-ass 18 months, all said and done...