by DaveA
As of this spring, after a good amount of maneuvering (literal and figurative), I now have a room of my own dedicated specifically to audio playback. I have imaginatively dubbed it "The Music Room." Sometimes I'll play guitar in there, or do some reading, or take a nap, play with the dog (who enjoys rolling around on the colorful new rug)...but mostly it exists as a place in which to listen to music via the stereo. Have made a point of not entertaining the notion of bringing a TV in there, as I prefer to have at least one recreational space in the house in which advertising doesn't have a chance to weasel its way into my thoughts (unless I'm somehow accessing the internet).
In conjunction with this new setup, I acquired a couple of speaker stands, such that the bookshelf speakers are now a little over three feet off the ground. This and the purchase of some Mogami RCA cords for the whole setup seems to have made a positive difference in the overall sound.
The entry-level hi-fi turntable we got several years back was a source of some dismay, some headaches/misery (not really worth going into). It got swapped out with a more sturdy DJ turntable with an S-shaped arm and I'm now much more happy listening to records. So far, there have been few issues.
There's also a standalone CD player now, a tape deck, and an AUX in. Overall, I'd say it's pretty, pretty, pretty good. Am sure a more fussy/hard-to-please audiophile could find bones to pick, but I'm happy with it all. The room isn't spacious enough to foster entertaining more than a small handful of people, but it's a nice place in which to spend time.
Have found that over the pandemic, my enjoyment of music has, if anything, increased. This is partially due to having a better setup and streamlining my collection. But more and more I think disabusing myself of the need to "stay on top of things," the illusion of "keeping up," and instead just focusing on the proportionally smaller slice of recordings that bring joy, has been a factor too.
So yeah...stereo playback...not too fuckin' shabby, huh?
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .
New Novel.