Re: Politics

See, but this stuff is so dumb. It’s clickbait hysteria cooked up by the media. A soundbite taken out of context. Trump is a moron. He struggles to communicate. The article should be about how he’s an idiot, not how he’s trying to become emperor. Do you honestly think in 4 years he could turn the office of President into a dictatorship or bring aroind the second coming? He was obviously just trying to say “get out the vote now, because in 4 years, I will have made things so wonderful, you’ll have no need to complain.” But instead its this endless clutching at pearls “news” that means absolutely nothing. Same thing when Biden was using “got him in our crosshairs” as a figure of speach and had to apologize. There is nothing of substance, just a bunch of strung together “gotcha!” nonsense.

Re: Politics

zorg wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:41 am
See, but this stuff is so dumb. It’s clickbait hysteria cooked up by the media. A soundbite taken out of context. Trump is a moron. He struggles to communicate. The article should be about how he’s an idiot, not how he’s trying to become emperor. Do you honestly think in 4 years he could turn the office of President into a dictatorship or bring aroind the second coming? He was obviously just trying to say “get out the vote now, because in 4 years, I will have made things so wonderful, you’ll have no need to complain.” But instead its this endless clutching at pearls “news” that means absolutely nothing. Same thing when Biden was using “got him in our crosshairs” as a figure of speach and had to apologize. There is nothing of substance, just a bunch of strung together “gotcha!” nonsense.
Whenever a right-wing person in a position of power says some ridiculous shit, a nearly instinctual part of me wants to react the same way. Very few political groups contain zero creepy weirdos. People generally are not very good at being precise and considered with their spoken words. Trump is just an egregious example because wealth, self-regard, and a lack of curiosity have atrophied his superego out of existence.

As I grow older, that reaction carries less weight than my experience seeing what was once characterized as "ridiculous shit" become normalized. John Yoo's unitary executive theory was treated as essentially "look what this weird little troll in the Bush admin thinks", but every president since has used the hell out of it to murder people overseas. I see a direct intellectual line between that and John Roberts' anti-logic in Trump v. United States (the immunity one).

Yeah, it's loose talk and unlikely to happen right meow (or in 2028). But give it a few more years, and who knows.
turnbullac wrote: I’ll give couch fucker JD Vance 1-2 more weeks before Trump kicks him out.
Puts him out to sea, so to speak?

Re: Politics

zorg wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:41 am A soundbite taken out of context.

What context would that be? Have you watched him saying it? Seemed in context to me.

zorg wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:41 am Trump is a moron. He struggles to communicate.


zorg wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:41 am Do you honestly think in 4 years he could turn the office of President into a dictatorship

Given the trajectory of the supreme court, yes. Have you forgotten his attempts to steal the election? What about Jan 6th? Yes they were mostly disorganised morons but they were angry, whipped up and were prepared to kill people - and some of them were members of the military and police.
Have you read any of project 2025? Have you listened to some of the evangelical lunatics that back him 1000%? Have you heard republicans talking about possible civil war if he loses?
It's easy to brush some of this off as political theatre (and no doubt some of it is) but there are enough red flags for there to be genuine concern too. Fascism doesn't arrive dressed in uniform and goosestepping. Complacency in the face of this kind of evidence is foolish.

zorg wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:41 am He was obviously just trying to say “get out the vote now, because in 4 years, I will have made things so wonderful, you’ll have no need to complain.”
Thanks for the translation. Can you translate what he means when he refers to political opponents as "vermin", talks about a "unified reich" and uses phrases like "poisoning the blood of our country"? Because this rhetoric echoes a time in the past when some people were a little complacent too.
Dave N. wrote:Most of us are here because we’re trying to keep some spark of an idea from going out.

Re: Politics

Lu Zwei wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:14 am
ErickC wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:55 pm
$1,400 doesn't tell us anything. What is your loan cost? What about your child care? How much does it cost you to get to work? What's your monthly rent?
Income: 1400$
Rent: 400$
Loan: 300$
Child welfare: 200$
Car cost: 200$
Balance: 300$
ErickC wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:55 pm I don't quite get what your point is. The far right is a threat to people who work for a living everywhere. Your relative income doesn't change the fact that the GOP's endgame is to make quality of life in the US (and, by extension of their international policy, everywhere else) exponentially worse for everyone but their (white, male) business partners. That doesn't change the fact that people from the "wrong breeding stock" are getting their heads blown off willy nilly by the police in the streets and the GOP intends to make us even more expendable to the state than we already are. This just isn't productive.
You are having it too good to really care about making it a change come election time.

That said, going the way of a least fascist guy is always a good way to go. That should be the only benchmark.
How many jobs are you working?

To put things in perspective, many, if not most, Americans would need to work 2 or 3 jobs to afford housing, a car loan, child care, and have any money left over. Your costs of living relative to your income are absolutely insane to me in terms of how small the percentages are. Does the same apply to Boomers with more capital than brains? Absolutely not, and you'd be absolutely right that they're not going to vote for any change. They bought their houses for cheap back in the days when they could pay for college on a single part-time income, and their attitude towards the generations that followed is "fuck 'em, I got mine."

But the reality is that the grass isn't as green here as you might think it is, especially in red states. There's a reason homelessness and living with parents for an extended period of time is on the rise, and it ain't because people aren't working.
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: Politics

Woah, 40 more pages? PRF, I didn't think you still had it in you.

Regarding Law and Order bullshit, I don't think being a prosecutor is any worse or better than being a defender or a judge, is my point. Sure, the VP is obviously somebody who believes in working within the system. All the candidates are.

I don't buy the idea that being a former prosecutor would make you callous, or think that you can solve the world's problems through punishment, or whatever the implication is there. I do think it probably means Harris has seen some horrendous shit, including a lot related to family harm and has spent time working with victims of crime. And I do think being a former prosecutor is a fuck-ton better than being a corporate lawyer - those guys are ALWAYS on the wrong side. But anyway, she's all-but got the nomination now, as was obvious from the moment that Biden stepped up to the debate podium looking like he'd just taken a sip from the wrong grail.

Regarding New Zealand, it's somewhere small and remote enough for people to treat it like a fantasy place. Because nobody has any idea what actually goes on here and nor do they care, and that's fine. But it is a real place and we're not out of touch with the world.

Also as noted, the cost of living is outrageous here. We have pollution, poverty, and corrupt politicians. The same pricks who are funding Project 2025 have ties to our current government. The very same pricks. None other than Peter Thiel bought himself New Zealand citizenship. American techbros want to convert the country into their libertarian apocalypse bunker. The fuckery is happening here, and now. We just don't talk about it because nobody cares to know what's happening in New Zealand.

We have some of the worst statistics for family violence and suicide. We have gangs, and they're doing so well they're now establishing themselves in other countries. It almost does me proud to see the Mongrel Mob are now terrifying people in the UK. They started up in my home town. They aren't actually neo-nazis or a biker gang, they just have swastika tattoos and bikes, but they do kill people. ... r-32101735

Public transport is shit and all our infrastructure is falling apart. But the birds are nice. Parrots, and penguins too. Nobody gets eaten by bears here. And we have MMP which is a proportional representation system which is much better than the outdated FPTP systems in the UK and US. Seriously, tactical voting in the UK is such a mess, and the results are so skewed... Labour's "landslide" victory was only with something like 40% of the vote. Ridiculous. The last thing you need in the US is a third party messing things up even more. Jill Stein is a joke anyway. Why do they bother running for president? Why don't they try to elect a single Green Party member to congress first?

Under a two party system you can expect the two parties to split public opinion roughly down the middle within 5% or so. They will naturally form these positions in order to be competitive with each other. The parties will adjust their policies accordingly. In the US the political advantages enjoyed or exploited by the right means that the balance of power sits a ways further to the right of public opinion, which sucks and hopefully that will start to change if Republicans lose more elections.

You may not like her; you certainly may not feel that she's the ideal candidate, but I get the impression Harris has made the race competitive again, and she has an opportunity to build momentum from here, while a visibly withering Biden was going nowhere but down. And she has been much better on abortion and Gaza than Biden. So maybe it's not all doom and gloom.

And Zenu might have been on to something... he didn't know it, but he was really saying, " gee, somebody really needs to invent calculus so we can deal with this here"
Last edited by Anthony Flack on Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Politics

Anthony Flack wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:24 pmRegarding New Zealand, it's somewhere small and remote enough for people to treat it like a fantasy place. Because nobody has any idea what actually goes on here and nor do they care, and that's fine. But it is a real place and we're not out of touch with the world.
It's amazing what people think about New Zealand. I've been exploring the possibility of migrating out of the US in the future, and people keep suggesting New Zealand like it's some magical left wing paradise. Then they look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them about the very real problems going on there that I learned from interacting with, y'know, people who actually live there.
Total_douche, MSW, LICSW (lulz)

Re: Politics

I’m envious of all you folks living in ANZ.

I know you all are not without problems but there are so many things to love about your countries.

I very much hope to be able to visit again.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Politics

ErickC wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:28 pm
Lu Zwei wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:14 am
ErickC wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:55 pm
$1,400 doesn't tell us anything. What is your loan cost? What about your child care? How much does it cost you to get to work? What's your monthly rent?
Income: 1400$
Rent: 400$
Loan: 300$
Child welfare: 200$
Car cost: 200$
Balance: 300$
ErickC wrote: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:55 pm I don't quite get what your point is. The far right is a threat to people who work for a living everywhere. Your relative income doesn't change the fact that the GOP's endgame is to make quality of life in the US (and, by extension of their international policy, everywhere else) exponentially worse for everyone but their (white, male) business partners. That doesn't change the fact that people from the "wrong breeding stock" are getting their heads blown off willy nilly by the police in the streets and the GOP intends to make us even more expendable to the state than we already are. This just isn't productive.
You are having it too good to really care about making it a change come election time.

That said, going the way of a least fascist guy is always a good way to go. That should be the only benchmark.
How many jobs are you working?
One job, I work one job 40h a week, as one should in this modern day capitalism. You should be able to work one job and sustain a living wage and be able to afford basic and decent human rights.

Also, I have a luxury of staying at my relative's place, and he quoted me a really low price on my rent, and never jacked it up when all the other ones went double when going to Euro in 2023. So, it's not really realistic for me to be breaking it down. Most of the places around me go for almost 50-100% more.
Nothing major here. Just a regular EU cock. I pull it out and there is beans all over my penis. Bean shells all over my penis...

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