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It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:33 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
waltermalling wrote:i’d start with a jack on the rocks and a budweiser/michelob chaser.

my wife went to prague a few months ago and she brought me back a bottle of absinthe. is this legal there? i’m sort of afraid to drink it? anyone here ever had this?

Hi Walter!

Despite the hurt you've inflicted upon me I feel compelled to fill you in here...

Drink it cautiously. I don't want to frighten you, but after a night on the green stuff my manplace went blue. I thought I must have forgotton to stick the ol' crazy snake back in my pants after a whizz and walked home in the cold, but that wasn't the case sir. IT WASN'T THE CASE.

You have to mix it with ketchup to get any real kick out of it. Trust me on this one, buddy.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:35 am
by waltermalling_Archive
thanks rimbaud. so is it to be mixed like a bloody mary? i don’t understand the ketchup part? bloody mary is all i can think of if it involves ketchup.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:35 am
by Rodabod_Archive
waltermalling wrote: i’ve been meaning to ask you this for awhile, but what is your avatar?

You mean to suggest that the picture is not me??

I've have given clues about this before.

Ok, it's an old lecturer of mine. He's a total legend.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:37 am
by Rimbaud III_Archive
waltermalling wrote:thanks rimbaud. so is it to be mixed like a bloody mary? i don’t understand the ketchup part? bloody mary is all i can think of if it involves ketchup.

It's less of a Bloody Mary and more of a "Pagal Gudda". Drink of choice in parts of rural India.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:38 am
by Rick Reuschel_Archive
Rimbaud III wrote:
Rick Reuschel wrote:What you need is George T. Stagg. The best bourbon in the world. Without question.


Barrel proof.

Not for suckamc's


Not really for anything other than reviving the dead I'd say!

If I find this anywhere in my alcopop-sodden locale I'll be lucky.

It's barrel proof so it varies from year to year. Obviously not something you can drink a lot of but you'd be surprised how smoooooth it is. Lots of vanilla, brown sugar, butter but not in a cloying way. I highly recommend. A little crushed ice can bring in down to earth and open it up.

For a group that prides itself on red meat consumption. I wouldn't think 142 would be an issue. Besides the earlier reference to starting off with wine coolers could not stand. Starting from the premise that bourbon needs to be mixed with something is, to my mind, inappropriate.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:39 am
by Rodabod_Archive
waltermalling wrote:thanks rimbaud. so is it to be mixed like a bloody mary? i don’t understand the ketchup part? bloody mary is all i can think of if it involves ketchup.

Walter, Walter, Walter.......

Have you been on the bevvy again?


It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:43 am
by waltermalling_Archive
that’s a great picture rodabod! looks like we have the next spuds mckenzie for the new milenium!

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:42 am
by joshsolberg_Archive
I know I'm late coming, but how 'bout for next week. A friend's band in Las Cruces, NM, informed me of this one:

The Prairie Fire. 1 shot of tequila + as much tabasco as you think you can handle, and then two or three more splashes of tabasco to top it off.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 1:54 am
by that damned fly_Archive
make me another boilermaker.

It s Friday. What drink should I start the night with?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 2:42 am
by oucheh_Archive
joshsolberg wrote:I know I'm late coming, but how 'bout for next week. A friend's band in Las Cruces, NM, informed me of this one:

The Prairie Fire. 1 shot of tequila + as much tabasco as you think you can handle, and then two or three more splashes of tabasco to top it off.

A variation on this, that is very popular in Iowa City, is a Shatner. A Shatner, simply, involves Jagrmeister, filled to the brim of the shot glass, and an equal dose of tobasco. Not as horrible as a 3 Wise Men, not as soft (whatever that means) as a Prarie Fire.
