What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

with me at school i have a little Orange Crush 15R combo. the speaker cab is built just like the nicer Orange amps, so it has a similar sound. really nice little amp, i enjoy it muchly.

at my parents house is my baby: a Laney 50-watt solid state combo that i can't remember the model name/number of. it's cool: i got it used (newly refurbished at the time) for $165, and it's probably the best piece of musical equipment i've ever bought in my life. never had any problems with it, it takes a TON of abuse, the reverb rocks, the on-amp distortion sounds wonderful with any guitar i've ever played through it, and with my EH Double Big Muff it sends chills down my spine.

...i loves my amp.
if i got lasik surgery on one eye, i could wear a monacle.

What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

I have a '70 Park 150, like this one:


except the chassis is offset. I used to really love it, but my tastes have changed. Considering what Parks are going for on ebay these days, I think I'm going to sell it. I play it though a Hiwatt 4x12 that probably one of the first imported to the U.S., but it is outrageously beat to shit. I play it through a Fender 2x12, too.

I have a Orange Rocker 30 of recent manufacture, which is fantastic.

The last amp is a 1960 Fender Concert. If there were a foreign invasion, or a natural disaster which required evacuation, this is the one thing I would take with me.

What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

Victoria Double Deluxe: This amp is beautiful. It has a very dense sound and not much clean headroom. It's a 2x12 combo.

Traynor YBA-1 into 2x12 closed back cabinet: This one has been gutted and completely rehabbed with the exception of the transformers. It sounds bright and aggressive.

Silvertone twin twelve head into 6x8 cabinet: Yes, that's six 8" speakers. Thanks, Scott. This is an amazing combo. Very classic rock.
In retrospect, I should have stepped off the stage and utter-kicked Mrs. O'Leary's cow.


What Kind of Amps Do You Play?

I play my electric guitars through:

A Fender 59 Reissue Bassman that has been tweaked a bit and has a valve rectifier installed. I turn it up to about 6 or 7....depends

A Crate Vintage Club from the mid 90's....50 watts though 3x10 loudspeakers....wierd but true. I only use the "clean" channel though.....recently replaced the valves.

A Fender Ultrachorus from the early 90's. Good transistor girth and good chorus sounds.

A 1973 Fender Musicmaster Bass Amplifier w original speakers and valves.....superb rehearsal amp.

for pedals.......I use one of those yellow DOD preamp pedals for a little kick......sometime s a Big Muff or TS..........depends

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