The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

The Albini Division

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
tightest diaper (4A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)
Pelt-Lobber (11A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Stephen Hawking and the Bendy Straws (8A)

The Stack Division

Gin Make Sin (16S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Which Base Is Fingering? (3S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)
Owl Botherer (12S)
This Panther Knows Portuguese? (6S)
Coldest Breasts Ever (7S)
Gentle Fudge (9S)

The Weissenberger Division

Ailing Raccoon (16W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Crucifixion Fluffer (4W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)
Chain Gang Gang Bang (6W)
Kinko's f*cked up my order (7W)
Show Your Work (math rockers) (9W)

The Jung Division

Syndrome of a Down (1J)
Not Drowning, Waving (2J)
Emergency Turban (3J)
Test Fuck (4J)
Practice Wife (12J)
Pole Positioned (11J)
lasers for eyes, swords for arms, wheels for feet, I win (7J)
I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)

Popular Mechanics Report of 9-11

NIST Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

AlBStern wrote:Welcome to the Electrical Audio Made Up Band Name 64 Name Single Elimination Tournament (EAMUBN64NSET).

Hi, Supernintendo Chalmers!

The Albini Division
Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
tightest diaper (4A)
Lithp (12A)
Pelt-Lobber (11A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Stephen Hawking's Joystick (9A)

The Stack Division
Wyaoming (1S)
Permanent Suckadelic (15S)
Wear Pajamas to School (14S)
Inside The Actor's Studebaker (4S)
Owl Botherer (12S)
This Panther Knows Portuguese? (6S)
Coldest Breasts Ever (7S)
Paulina, Melvina, and Lunt (8S)

The Weissenberger Division
Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Botanical Bulls (13W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)
VanDerSnatch (11W)
Kinko's f*cked up my order (7W)
Skirt of Pee (8W)

The Jung Division
Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Emergency Turban (3J)
Test Fuck (4J)
Practice Wife (12J)
Pole Positioned (11J)
lasers for eyes, swords for arms, wheels for feet, I win (7J)
I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:
endofanera wrote:
Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:
stackmatic wrote:Al,

13A - The Distracting Thoughts of the Rite-Aid Guy is listed in both the Albini Division and the Stack Division.

yeah, I noticed this too.

You should switch the duplicate out with Dip Your Sanwich In My Blood.


thanks for your support endofanera, but I fear that all hope is lost for this band name.

Unless you're ready to write some songs... then we'll show them!

Ive already got an idea for the first track: No, That's Not Ketchup



A few more titles:
"Crusty Bread of Death"
"Like Cows In Line"
"Bolt To The Forehead"
"Thinly-Sliced Disaster"
"Murder Au Jus"
"Is That Broth?"
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

endofanera wrote:
Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:
endofanera wrote:
Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:
stackmatic wrote:Al,

13A - The Distracting Thoughts of the Rite-Aid Guy is listed in both the Albini Division and the Stack Division.

yeah, I noticed this too.

You should switch the duplicate out with Dip Your Sanwich In My Blood.


thanks for your support endofanera, but I fear that all hope is lost for this band name.

Unless you're ready to write some songs... then we'll show them!

Ive already got an idea for the first track: No, That's Not Ketchup



A few more titles:
"Crusty Bread of Death"
"Like Cows In Line"
"Bolt To The Forehead"
"Thinly-Sliced Disaster"
"Murder Au Jus"
"Is That Broth?"

this is a total thread hijack, but shit happens so here are some more Dip Your Sandwich In My Blood song titles:

"Pure Blood Bullion"
"Rare as Fuck"
"Filet Humanion"
Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A) - seems to be quite the favorite at this point in the competition
Better Never Than Laettner! (15A)
People for the unethical treatment of Tom Skilling (3A)
The Distracting Thoughts of the Rite-Aid Guy (13A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)
Bring Me the Head of Barry Bonds (6A)
Cigar Store Aborigine (10A)
Stephen Hawking and the Bendy Straws (8A)

Wyaoming (1S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Wear Pajamas to School (14S)
Inside The Actor's Studebaker (4S)
Owl Botherer (12S)
This Panther Knows Portuguese? (6S)
Fuck You and Your Impregnable Fortress! (10S)
Gentle Fudge (9S)

Ailing Raccoon (16W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Botanical Bulls (13W)
McGiblet (12W)
Chain Gang Gang Bang (6W)
Kinko's f*cked up my order (7W)
Skirt of Pee (8W)

Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Diarrhea Piñata (14J)
Crass Crown (13J)
Slap Your Own Chaperone (5J)
Limbless Contessa (6J)
The Ayatollah Khomeini for Dummies (10J)
I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

How proud I am to have two names in the competition. Even if I don't win, its an honor to be nominated.

The Albini Division

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
tightest diaper (4A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)
Pelt-Lobber (11A)
Cigar Store Aborigine (10A)
Stephen Hawking and the Bendy Straws (8A)

The Stack Division

Wyaoming (1S)
Permanent Suckadelic (15S)
Wear Pajamas to School (14S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)
Owl Botherer (12S)
Book Reference Book (11S)
Coldest Breasts Ever (7S)
Gentle Fudge (9S)

The Weissenberger Division

Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Cup of Soot (14W)
Botanical Bulls (13W)
McGiblet (12W)
VanDerSnatch (11W)
Kinko's f*cked up my order (7W)
Show Your Work (math rockers) (9W)

The Jung Division

odd sandwich habits (16J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Diarrhea Piñata (14J)
Crass Crown (13J)
Slap Your Own Chaperone (5J)
Limbless Contessa (6J)
lasers for eyes, swords for arms, wheels for feet, I win (7J)
I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)

The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!

The Albini Device

Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
People for the unethical treatment of Tom Skilling (3A)
tightest diaper (4A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)
Bring Me the Head of Barry Bonds (6A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Stephen Hawking's Joystick (9A)

The Stack Differential

Wyaoming (1S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Which Base Is Fingering? (3S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)
Ter-Fucken' (5S)
This Panther Knows Portuguese? (6S)
Coldest Breasts Ever (7S)
Paulina, Melvina, and Lunt (8S)

The Weissenberger Divide

Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Crucifixion Fluffer (4W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)
Chain Gang Gang Bang (6W)
Kinko's f*cked up my order (7W)
Skirt of Pee (8W)

The Jung Dynamic

Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J) *by default
Diarrhea Piñata (14J)
Test Fuck (4J)
Practice Wife (12J)
Pole Positioned (11J)
The Ayatollah Khomeini for Dummies (10J)
Tit-Flap Excuse (9J)


Nice work. My EAMUBN64NSET office pool, or EAMUBN64NSETOP, is up over a grand this year! Soooooo SUPER!!!! Totally awesome, wholesome fun. Sara Sudekis, in accounts payable, picked Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself to win it all! She's the only one - but good payoff if it makes it through. Jack Fidders, our office custodian, chose Punch You Face Me to take it all because he "did that to someone this weekend". His words, not mine!!! Heavy play on Danzig, Syndrome, and P. Teeth. Should be interesting. Too bad about Not Drowning, Waving - strong support from Texas there, a real tarnish on the Jung Division if you ask me. Anyway, to everyone else, get your money in soon! I'm not floating anyone else this year. I took a real bath last year, c'mon be fair! Okay. Bye!

-J. Teasdale
Ryan Kevin Rezvani (:u)~
Go You Sox

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