A fascinatingly bad film.
An embarrassment for Ang Lee. His films are ponderously paced, pretentious and long. I don't think that he is a very intelligent man but he can direct a good film when he has good writers to constrain him.
His films look impressive (apart from the laughably bad Hulk creature) but have no substance.
Nick Nolte's heroic hamming was the most entertaining thing in the film for me.
Brilliant film: Hulk
23burun wrote:Ace wrote:Damn. Eric Bana needs to be in more things with his shirt off.
I agree. He just needs to be in more things, period.
Mega true
Brilliant film: Hulk
24burun wrote:Though Iron Man looks promising.
The Iron Man suit looks badass. But I was over comic books when I was 12. It looks like Hollywood, in their infinite wisdom, is determined to make a movie based on every comic book ever. Most, if not all of them have and will suck. And yet they still make sequels to most of these crapbombs.
Why don't more people ask themselves, before shelling out $8-12 to see a movie: Why am I here?
Brilliant film: Hulk
25STF wrote:Why don't more people ask themselves, before shelling out $8-12 to see a movie: Why am I here?
Because those special effects were tits.
Ask any everyday blue-collar i-listen-to-anything-except-country-and-rap shmuck why they go to the movies, and that's the answer you'll get.
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
Brilliant film: Hulk
26I like super hero films. I think they should make more of them all the time and have them all be excellent.
Brilliant film: Hulk
27ubercat wrote:Oh for christ sake. More suckage? Just save your pennies and wait for The Watchmen.
Are you for real? Wait for Watchmen? Fucks sake. If ever a film shouldn't be made...... (fan boy whinging etc yada yada etc)
Hulk pretty much kicked ass. At least it was nothing like any other comic book / super hero film. Bana ruled. Connelly was great. Hulk smashed stuff! Seemed good to me.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.