Suicide Girls

Total votes: 26 (49%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 27 (51%)
Total votes: 53

Suicide Girls

Shurat wrote:
Gramsci wrote:
glueman wrote:Yes, she is....actually looking better than ever. Long live The Swiss Miss! Oh, she never got the respect that she deserved....

Swiss eh? Is her dad a money launderer?

This is a joke

You fucking NAZI

Whoa! It only too you 61 posts to break the Golden Rule.

That's a record!

I guess I have a bad impression of the Swiss from my Italian wife -they don't like you-... its all the mafia money you guys "clean"...

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Suicide Girls

Gramsci wrote:I guess I have a bad impression of the Swiss from my Italian wife -they don't like you-... its all the mafia money you guys "clean"...

This is probably because the Swiss have developed a rough concept of "bank".

You know the ones you bring money to and get it back.

There, there, boys...

Oh, and the suicide girls are crap.

Suicide Girls

placeholder wrote:NOT CRAP because, you know, I think many of them are extraodinarily attractive. I realize this makes me a total creep.

I have only seen this site a couple of times, as I am not one to pay for pornography or whatever it is.

But! placeholder! I took their 'tour!' A couple of times! And I agree with you! I guess I am a creep also!

hench wrote:fewer fake breasts than non fake-edgy porn.

These chicks don't look that weird to me, in that a lot of girls their ages look like that. They look _normal_ compared to your average woman-in-pornography.

I don't know anything about the site or its owner or whatever. But I will give its tattooed and pierced girls a 'not crap.'

Suicide Girls

I have had several Suicide Girls introduce themselves to me at shows. They seem to be pretty much like other girls, maybe more in need of attention from strangers. That fits with the radical hair, the piercings, the tattoos, the sexual bravado and the million other trappings of a conformist "outsider."

I'll agree with Tim that they look more "normal" to me than porno chicks, and in that sense are more attractive. I do not find Suicide Girls very effective as pornography though.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
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