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Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:19 pm
by gmilner_Archive
Chris Hardings wrote:Bob and David in a barn, next to an elderly blackman....
*roughly brings back memory of mr show viewing*
"....and I'd like to have the attention of all black folks. We're all aware of the plight of slavery this country imposed on your ancestors. But did you know Abe Lincoln - A WHITE MAN - freed you from slavery? so on that note we say YOU'RE WELCOME..." hence forth a song continues to play.....
Seriously. I barely even remeber it correctly. And it's still one of the funniest things ever.
I believe I do remember the lyrics:
Hey, you're welcome!
Hey, don't mention it!
Use that freedom in any way you like
'Cause you're not slaves no more,
Don't have to behave no more,
But we sure hope you do!
You're welcome to you-be-do-be-do-be-do-be-do...
You're welcome!
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:25 am
by BenjieLoveless_Archive
Absolutely funniest shit ever. EVER. EVER!!!
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:19 pm
by SixFourThree_Archive
The thimble bit is still the funniest 10 minutes of TV I've ever seen.
The competitive ad campaign for the little guy grocery store vs. the big chain supermarket is a close second.
Mr. Show = Not Crap ever.
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:30 pm
by Superking_Archive
Not crap, all the way. Like almost all comedy shows, however, I've found that I get diminishing returns from watching it too much.
But the first few times I stumbled on to this show, it absolutely blew me away.
The "Everest" scene with the thimbles is among the greatest physical comedy routines of all time. Up there with Buster Keaton, et al.
It is mean-spirited a lot of the time, but I happen to think it's very funny. Makes even the very best years of SNL look weak in comparison.
Ah, the Satanic televangelist show, the after-school special about the kid with 'special' parents, the streaking movie, the last Indian, etc.
They were never afraid to push a bad joke so far, for so long, that it became absurd and hilarious (the guy that asks for change at a gas station, and the subsequent phone calls all the way up to the President to ask for approval).
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 8:07 pm
by prockwell_Archive
not crap for sure.
either my number 1 or 2 favorite show of all time.
i like bob better than david because he seemed to be the one who could pull everything together and when he did slip into crazy characters it was more funny, because it wasn't as expected.
having tivo'd all the episodes, i'm still not sure if i really like arrested development or not.
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:16 pm
by Andrew L_Archive
It was brilliant at times. The best sketch comedy produced for television that I've seen. They were great at meta-comedy, which I’ve always appreciated. And, as suggested, great at taking a fleet of steamrollers to a bloated, dead horse--sometimes oblivious to the fact there was no horse there to begin with.
The "mean-spirited" tag is meaningless to me. Try "satirical."
Anyone buy the movie? Is it worth seeing?
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 11:52 pm
by bpchnc_Archive
some of my favorite american television of the last ten years.
am i alone in thinking bob odenkirk and al johnson could be brothers or cousins?
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:39 pm
by gmilner_Archive
LAD wrote:
Anyone buy the movie? Is it worth seeing?
The Ronnie Dobbs movie is unbelievably bad. I always thought it was strange that they made a movie of the Dobbs character, which I didn't think was that funny to begin with.
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 12:45 pm
by robert thefamilyghost_Archive
i don't have anything insightful to add to this...only BEST SKETCH COMEDY SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!
Show: Mr. Show
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:11 am
by Dylan_Archive
gmilner wrote:LAD wrote:
Anyone buy the movie? Is it worth seeing?
The Ronnie Dobbs movie is unbelievably bad. I always thought it was strange that they made a movie of the Dobbs character, which I didn't think was that funny to begin with.
Please see the Chunklet article, where Bob explains how they ruined the movie with editing. It's in the Overrated Part One Issue.