Best Hip Hop Rhymes

This "best rap rhymes" thread prompts me to propose a merger between the forum and the forum.

They're covering the same topics over there.

And what have you been listening to lately? And what have you been listening to lately?
And what's up with that Muslim cartoon violence? And what's up with that Muslim cartoon violence?
And Boondocks. And Boondocks.

Just think of the strategic synergies that we could leverage for the joint enterprise.

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

I used to LOVE hip hop, infact I used to post under the name ghostface. I don't really listen to much of it anymore, but one rhyme that always made me chuckle was kool keith on the doc octo disc.

Your panties are wet, take it easy don't sweat.
you want some birth control you can smoke a cigarette

also GZA

I'm on a mission that niggaz say is impossible, but when i swing my swords they all chop-able.
I be the body dropper
the heartbeat stopper
child educator, plus
head amputator
cus niggas styles are old like mark 5 sneakers
lyrics are weak like clock radio speakers
waltermalling wrote:we have a tandem cruiser bike but thats about it.

Nevermind the Bullocks....Heres The Kum Dumpsters

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

Having read every single word in this thread, I am more convinced than ever that I have not missed a goddamn thing by not acquiring a taste for hip hop.

You all are totally fucking welcome to this retard babble. Enjoy it in whatever sneering, you're-making-me-embarrassed-for-you way you can.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

steve wrote:Having read every single word in this thread, I am more convinced than ever that I have not missed a goddamn thing by not acquiring a taste for hip hop.

You all are totally fucking welcome to this retard babble. Enjoy it in whatever sneering, you're-making-me-embarrassed-for-you way you can.

these are awful rap lyrics. they don't even rhyme.
kerble is right.

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

I present the lyrics to the only hip-hop song I've ever given a damn about:
Run-D.M.C. wrote:It's Christmas time in Hollis, Queens/Mom's cooking chicken and collard greens

The only hip-hop I'll ever need.

Wait, I thought that "Sabotage" song was pretty bad-ass.

Echo on the retard-babble.

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

steve wrote:Having read every single word in this thread, I am more convinced than ever that I have not missed a goddamn thing by not acquiring a taste for hip hop.

You all are totally fucking welcome to this retard babble. Enjoy it in whatever sneering, you're-making-me-embarrassed-for-you way you can.

You jus hatin cause nobody mentioned "The Super Bowl Shuffle".

Steve Fuller, the strongest rapper of the '85 Bears wrote:They say Jimbo is our man.
If Jimmy can't do it, I sure can.
This is Steve, and it's no wonder
I run like lightnin', pass like thunder.
So bring on Atlanta, bring on Dallas,
This is for Mike and Papa Bear Halas.
I'm not here to feather his ruffle,
I just came here to do
The Super Bowl Shuffle.


**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Best Hip Hop Rhymes

The "Soccer" equivalent. Anglo Residents, who remembers this little beauty? When I was 8 I thought this was the best record ever released.


Liverpool FC wrote:Liverpool F.C. is hard as hell
United, Tottenham, Arsenal
Watch my lips, and I will spell
'cause they don't just play, but they can rap aswell

Liverpool F.C.
Liverpool F.C.

My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility...


...had Napoleon had that idea he'd have conquered the bloody world

Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone

Alright Aldo
Sound as a pound
I'm cushty la but there's nothing down
The rest of the lads ain't got it sussed
We'll have to learn 'em to talk like us

Well I'm rapping now, I'm rapping for fun
I'm your goalie, the number one
You can take the mick, don't call me a clown
Any more lip and you're going down

Alright Ace, we're great me and you
But the other lads don't talk like we do
No they don't talk like we do, do they do la
We'll have to learn 'em to talk propah

Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone

You two scousers are always yapping
I'm gonna show you some serious rapping
I come from Jamaica, my name is John Barn-es
When I do my thing the crowd go bananas

How's he doing the Jamaica rap?
He's from just south of the Watford Gap
He gives us stick about the north/south divide
'cause they got the jobs
Yeah, but we got the side

Well I came to England looking for fame
So come on Kenny man, give us a game
'cause I'm sat on the bench paying my dues with the blues
I'm very big down under, but my wife disagrees

They've won the league, bigger stars than Dallas
They got more silver than Buckingham Palace
No-one knows quite what to expect
When the red machine's in full effect

Well Steve McMahon sure can rap
It's about time he had an England cap
So come on Bobby Robson, he's the man
'cause if anyone can, Macca can
Macca-can... Macca-can... Macca-can... Macca-can...

Liverpool F.C. is hard as hell

My idea was to build Liverpool up and up and up until eventually they would be untouchable. Everybody would have to submit. Give in, give in, give in

We're Ireland lads
Och-ai the noo
And there's four of us
And only two of you
So if you want nai trouble
And you don't want a slap
You'd better teach us the Anfield rap

Don't forget us paddies
And me the Great Dane
And I'm from London mate so watch your game
Well you two scousers, you're always squaking
But we'll just let our feet do the talking

Our lads have come from all over the place
They talk dead funny, but they play dead great
Well now we've gotta learn 'em to talk real cool
The song you've gotta learn if you're Liverpool

Walk on... walk on... with hope... in your heart... and you'll ne... ver walk... alone

You'll never walk alone

Ho-ho my word
That's unbelievable, it really is
I think they should stick to playing football. Terrible
What do you think Kenny?

Oh yeah!
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Best Hip Hop Rhymes

I'm a graduate student. Recently, I went to an undergraduate poetry reading. Most of it wasn't too bad and was met with mild applause from the undergrads.

Then this guy Jorge got up there. I'd met Jorge before. Nice fella. I was looking forward to hearing his work. Instead of reading a poem though, he rapped what I'm guessing is a "song" he wrote. No music, no beat, he just stood up there, flinging his hand out and everything. Everyone sat there stroking their chins. The song was all about how he's gonna smash some fella who stole his "bitch." How he learned "this shit" in the "projects." How he wears his "scars" on his "motherfucking face." How she broke his heart and he's gonna take "that motherfucker to the curb." So, ya know, innovative shit.

It was so goddamn dumb and yet it was done in total sincerity. I was so embarrassed for Jorge. Yet the audience of chin-stroking, proto-academics went apeshit.

Give me a fucking break.

I have yet to hear a rap song with lyrics rivaling the works of any of the contemporary poets that I've read. I suspect it will be a long, long time before I do hear such a rap song if ever.

I love AC/DC. Do I feel a need to legitimize their music by acting as if they work as stand-alone, non-musical poetry? No. If I stood up at a mic and read the lyrics to "Let Me Put My Love Into You," that would be utterly retarded.

It's time to face the facts: rap is not poetry. If it is, it's sucky poetry. We can debate hip-hop as music, but this growing percentage of academia that wants to exalt such ridiculous crap...

EDIT: removed offensive typo
Last edited by connor_Archive on Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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