The Bitter Tears - Circle A - Milwaukee - Friday May 12th

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
stackmatic wrote:[T]here's a nice write-up for the show in this week's Onion and Shepherd Express. The Shepherd one even includes a color photo of The Bitter Tears.

Perhaps someone could scan and post those reviews to this thread.

I will scan and email them to you when I get home tonight. You can then post them here if you want.

I must warn you that Ween is mentioned in one of them.

The Bitter Tears - Circle A - Milwaukee - Friday May 12th

Thanks to Dave and all who came out to the show. And to the bands for their fine work. Even at 3/5 strength, The Bitter Tears were able to (and I'm quoting here) give CPR to a horse with pennies in its mouth. Opener Wishek couldn't have been more different. They played straightforward, guitar-based pop with a slightly Midwestern twang and a thoroughly unpretentious attitude. Yes, a fun night.

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