toomanyhelicopters wrote:seriously, "Chooser"? what kinda stupid word is "Chooser"?
Funny, I just looked all over the interface of this machine, and there ain't no "Chooser." You're remembering OS 9 and earlier, I think. Yes, the old Mac OS was often crashy, depending on one's programs, configuration, etc.
OS X, by contrast, is *nix-like. It's very, very close to being FreeBSD (there are, apparently, various differences to people who know the inner workings of BSD and Darwin). Occasionally programs will become unstable and quit, but I've not had this affect the overall OS. I've had uptime measurable in weeks--and those uptimes ended not because of crashes, but because of system restarts after upgrades, or shutting the laptop down to take it here or there without draining the battery (although I do leave it in sleep mode much of the non-usage time). I can build and compile lots of open source code from the command line, or the nifty Xcode environment. (That's right, the command line.) I'm running a PHP (built from source)/mySQL/Apache development server. And blah blah blah stable for me, works just fine, blah blah blah.
As for which OS is "better" than which other, no one ever seems to ask "better for whom." If it's better for you--you like it, you know where things are, you can get work done in it, you feel comfortable, then hell--go use that. You like something else less, feel less comfortable with it, then don't use it and go find something else.