ctrl-s wrote:Earwicker wrote:What are you doing about the fact that your votes have been stolen?
I’ve just had a look over and I don't think I actually wrote that. I tried to word it in a less confrontational way which indicated that I was genuinely interested in what you did. I wasn’t making an automatic presumption that you (personally) didn’t do anything but I was saying that you (Americans as a whole group) didn’t do enough.
The uppity ‘not that it’s any of your business’ tone was uncalled for and I would say incorrect. If we are indulging in a debate about the merits of fair elections then someone praising them whilst being in a country that doesn’t have them can be legitimately asked what they are doing to try and bring them about. It is my business simply because we are communicating and it is good to know where the person you are communicating with is coming from.
As it stands you do (or have done) something about it. Good for you. Does it ever piss you off that the mass of Americans don’t do anything about it?
It could also be argued that it is my business because our noble leader follows yours like a lap dog (as most have since the Second World War) and so the person who steals your election has a direct effect on the people we elect. Therefore the mass of Americans not rising up and getting rid of the fucker affects me.
I wouldn’t bother arguing that. I’m just saying that could be argued.
Likewise America is, by a country mile, the world’s largest producer of greenhouse gases (for the time being at least) so if a thief steals the presidency and instead of doing nothing about that instead lets his buddies do whatever the fuck they want to the air we breathe exacerbating the earth’s climate shifting out of balance then Americans not doing anything about their stolen government is, in part, my business.
It is everyone in the world’s business.
With regards my interest in personal responsibility I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it beyond this thread. With regards where I live: we live in a country where our ruler was elected so not so much need to complain about that. The fact that in my idealised view of the world no man should rule over another (or certainly not rule over me) is going to make absolutely no difference to anything socially. It is a view also at odds with my observations of humans generally. Many it seems are too fucking stupid to get along without rulers. So they have them. I am not sure it matters much how they got them.
I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth or get to Oxbridge by some other means so have little real political influence, am unlikely to get it and am not even sure I would want it. I am happy, for the time being, sorting out who and what I am, developing who I am and trying to be nice and good to those immediately around me. Anyone who intends to behave politically should do this first and foremost. If they don’t (and let’s face it, the vast, vast majority don’t) then their political action will come to no good. And let’s also face it political action very, very rarely comes to any good.
So - I occasionally write to my MP about things concerning me (He’s never replied. He’s a cunt. His political action led to many abused children being returned to their abusive families. He did this because he could make political advantage of it. No one talks about it but Cleveland is being renamed partly because of it. He will be in his post pretty much indefinitely cause he’s Labour and people round here vote labour cause their Dad did (do these people deserve democracy?))
I recycle (I wash out the tins and bottles and am left wondering if this produces more waste of energy than the recycling of the stuff. We often drive to the recycling machine.)
I pay money every month to charity. (I am against charity in principle but think let’s face it the fuckers we are so lucky to have voted in aren’t going to help anyone they don’t have to so…
This charitable direct debit payment has on numerous occasions put me over my overdraft limit and the bank has charged me more then I gave to the charity. This is due to the fact that I forget I am doing it.
I am not sure if that is commendable or condemnable.)
For a living I try and pass on skills I have learnt creatively to less fortunate people in our community. (It is largely a waste of time. The poor sons and daughters of bitches are already stuck in the same hopeless cycles that their parents are still spinning in and as much as I try and tell myself I'm doing some good, deep down, I know I'm not.)
I guess best of all I love.
And I know how to.
It’s also rather odd that I began my involvement on this thread agreeing with someone pro voting.
I also intend voting in the next election.
But if there isn’t anyone worth voting for what then?