steve wrote:True all-analog cutting is becoming rare, but there are still places like Abbey Road that can do it without any fuss.
I know a lot of your earlier records were pressed at Europadisk, which also seems to be the only company I can find in the US that does DMM. Just wondering what led you to switch to Abbey Road. Do Europadisk’s tape machines not have preview heads, in which case the analog record is cut through a DDL, as you described in your earlier post? Are there other factors that qualify Abbey Road’s work as “the cleanest, best quality cutting in the world”? I will concede that every record I’ve heard which has been mastered there has sounded exceptional.
I have no affiliation with Europadisk, I’m just a potential customer looking for a recommendation. Anyone else have experience with them?
Also, while I’m on this topic…it seems to me that an engraved copper disc should be less susceptible to the environmental wear and tear that plagues other storage formats, including analog and digital tape. Maybe I’m wrong about this. Would you consider the metal disc a viable archival storage medium? Is it useful for something other than making stampers for record production, i.e., can this disc be “played” by a conventional or other turntable? I’ve never been fortunate enough to observe a vinyl cutting session, so I am admittedly a bit in-the-dark.
disc or disk?
mic or mike?