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Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:28 am
by skatingbasser_Archive
six acre lake wrote:hey what happened to all the lovely images?

They were reposted by me in the post above yours?

Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
How about reposting these again...

Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 6:00 pm
by oucheh_Archive
TheMilford wrote:How about reposting these again...Enjoy.-Jeremy

Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:00 pm
by discordant_Archive
Awesome! Thanks for the repost. Love this album.

Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:00 pm
by diddley_Archive
In this case, the AKG 414 (bass room mic) is set on the cardio position ?My idea is that it would be on the floor if set in omni position (and a small condenser would be a better choice too).What is the differences between the two methodes for room mic (a cardio around 10 inches above ground and a omni on the floor) ?Last question : why is it took place on the side of the amp, not in front of ?thanks!

Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:00 pm
by France44_Archive
skatingbasser wrote:Here you go.russ wrote:Here are some pictures I took of the microphone setup for Don Cabellero's American Don sessions. Keep in mind that the setup could have changed at any point after I took these photos. This first one shows the drum kit from the front. The drums are in the Kentucky room of Studio A. You can see an AKG C-24 out in front of the kit as the stereo overhead mic, a D112 for the kick, Josephson 606/609's on the toms, looks like a Beyer 160 as a mono overhead. This next one of the drums clearly shows the positioning of the C-24 (used as M-S pair) and you can also see the Altec 150's as room mics, and the Altec 175 on the snare.This shows a close up from behind the kit. There might be something strange going on underneath the hi-hats, but I can't quite tell. Simulation Regroupement de prêtHere you can see another Altec 175 on the auxillary snareMoving on to the bass guitar cabinet which was in Center Field along with the guitar cabinets. That's an EV RE-20 on the left and an Audio Technica 4033 on the right. This one just shows the room mic for the bass cabinet - an AKG C-414.Two final shots of the guitar cabinet setup. From left to right it goes RCA BK-5A (room), VTL CR-3A, AKG C-28 w/ CK-4 (bi-directional) capsule, Coles/STC 4038.And here's a close up of the three close mics. Where are the images?

Don Cabellero Microphone Setup Pictures

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:00 pm
by France44_Archive
skatingbasser wrote:Here you go.russ wrote:Here are some pictures I took of the microphone setup for Don Cabellero's American Don sessions. Keep in mind that the setup could have changed at any point after I took these photos. This first one shows the drum kit from the front. The drums are in the Kentucky room of Studio A. You can see an AKG C-24 out in front of the kit as the stereo overhead mic, a D112 for the kick, Josephson 606/609's on the toms, looks like a Beyer 160 as a mono overhead. This next one of the drums clearly shows the positioning of the C-24 (used as M-S pair) and you can also see the Altec 150's as room mics, and the Altec 175 on the snare.This shows a close up from behind the kit. There might be something strange going on underneath the hi-hats, but I can't quite tell. Here you can see another Altec 175 on the auxillary Simulation Regroupement de prêtMoving on to the bass guitar cabinet which was in Center Field along with the guitar cabinets. That's an EV RE-20 on the left and an Audio Technica 4033 on the right. This one just shows the room mic for the bass cabinet - an AKG C-414.Two final shots of the guitar cabinet setup. From left to right it goes RCA BK-5A (room), VTL CR-3A, AKG C-28 w/ CK-4 (bi-directional) capsule, Coles/STC 4038.And here's a close up of the three close mics. Where are the image?