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Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:03 am
by Arson Smith_Archive
steve wrote:I recently started writing capital letter G differently. Just the G.

Third-grader! Third-grader!

Karen Werner wrote:I couldn't make a capital Q to save my life.

I feel you, Karen. I feel you.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:04 am
by electrons_Archive
I used to write in print in all caps, from like sophomore year on. I never was requested to write in cursive at all in HS or college. I completely forgot everything I learned about writing in cursive. Then, about 8 years ago, I got a job teaching 3rd grade. This happens to be the year you introduce cursive into the curriculum. I remember trying to write the uppercase and lowercase letters on the chalkboard so the kids could copy it on their recycled blue and red striped handwriting paper that the school provided. It was miserable. I would be in front of 30 children, who honestly think that I have the answer to everything imaginable, and I had to look up how to write certain letters correctly in some text book. 70% of my class wrote better than me. I guess that made me a good teacher.

Anyhow, the whole reason that I even post here was to say that - even with that text book - I can't make an uppercase cursive Q. Can't do it. I remembered that it looked suspiciously like a 2. But just trying to make it from memory was more than futile. Then, studying the text, I attempt the same. Results were equally poor. I had to have Ned, the class genius, come up and make it for me on the board. Children were shocked. Children were confused. Children aged that day, sitting in disbelief that the energetic young teacher with the wistful ponytail and the gleam of hope in his eye for each one of them could not master and model something as easy as, *cough*, handwriting. The letter Q changed my relationship with my students. They looked at me differently. They listened differently, less frequently and less obediently. The letter Q caused legitimate classroom management issues in my classroom!

Fuck you, uppercase cursive letter Q. Fuck you.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 12:08 am
by electrons_Archive
Arson Smith wrote:
steve wrote:I recently started writing capital letter G differently. Just the G.

Third-grader! Third-grader!

Karen Werner wrote:I couldn't make a capital Q to save my life.

I feel you, Karen. I feel you.

Holy shit!!!!


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:47 am
by Antero_Archive
My handwriting is horrible. It always has been. I write certain letters in reverse - not backwards visually, but the stroke goes the opposite direction. My signiature degenerates into scribbles by the time I finish.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:07 am
by diego_Archive
I have two or three different handwritings, at school I used to change my handrwitings a lot.

I recently changed the writing of my 4.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 4:09 am
by Josef K_Archive
'Cause I use a computer everyday, my handwriting has deteriorated. I've got a nice signature though.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 6:45 am
by sepsis_Archive
steve wrote:I recently started writing capital letter G differently. Just the G.

Oddly enough I write the capital G differently when I sign or print my last name (which begins with a G.) It looks completely different from any other time I'll write a capital G.

I'm not sure when or why I started doing this, as I seem to have done this for as far back as I can recall. I wonder if other people do a similar thing, or if it's just me...


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:04 am
by Chromodynamic_Archive
There's a book on handwriting analysis that I once checked out from the library. It was an interesting read but I'm not entirely sure of its validity.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:14 am
by rachael_Archive
I changed my signature a few years ago, in order to save time. I know that seems silly but I honestly felt like signing out my entire name Rachael A. Horning took SO LONG, I shortened my signature to RHing. Really I've saved days worth of time. I'm sure of it.

My handwriting is really quite neat although I don't think I'd be able to write an entire word in cursive anymore, as I haven't in so long. When I was in elementary school, the only Bs I ever got on my report card were in handwriting, because I'm left-handed and it just made things more difficult, and made for a mess on the paper. Oh the parents would frown. I worked so hard at it because I couldn't stand the fact that I got "bad grades" in handwriting, that I now have handwriting that I get compliments on. I was a very uptight little girl.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:21 am
by Ty Webb_Archive
steve wrote:I recently started writing capital letter G differently. Just the G.

Like this?


(Anyone who gets it is an even bigger nerd than I am.)