post videos of your band on youtube

honeyisfunny wrote:
Wow. That TV show footage is crazy. Is that Mr Prinsloo III on drums? And didn't your bassist used to edit a porn mag? Or am I getting very confused?

Nat still works in the 'adult entertainment industry' as far as I know, and yep that was Jefferson S. Prinsloo(p) III on drums although he's now a legal alien and has reverted to his real name.

The footage was shot on the 26th (I think) floor of One Canada Square (canary wharf) for some rubbish kids show for a now-defunct satellite/cable channel.

post videos of your band on youtube

wow! there's a lot of awesome stuff here!

bernardo - that 'are you god?' stuff is great! my favorite is when your singer is going crazy at the bus stop and then singing on the bus. how'd you guys do that? are you playing to a click track the whole show?

MTAR - i enjoyed the brain fever video a lot.

so i guess i'll be the jerk that doesn't upload anything to youtube and posts it here anyway:

here's the "music video" for rocket science. as you can see, we take ourselves very, very seriously:

and a live video shot with a couple friend's cameras. the helmet and the downey bottle were last minute ideas.... hehe

post videos of your band on youtube

phildotidiot wrote:bernardo - that 'are you god?' stuff is great! my favorite is when your singer is going crazy at the bus stop and then singing on the bus. how'd you guys do that? are you playing to a click track the whole show?

Thanks, yeah, I also thought that bus stop bit was the funniest. Basically, we did a rough (but clear) recording of a rehearsal, and the singer sang to that in his headphones during the shooting. His voice was recorded to one side of a stereo DAT, the other had the music he was listening to, for sync purposes. Then, in the live performance, one side of a stereo VHS went to the P.A. with the singer's voice, the other went to the drummer's headphones with the same music the singer sang to, and we followed the drummer (who was the only one using headphones). The video came from the same VHS tape. I hope that made sense.

post videos of your band on youtube

honeyisfunny wrote:and, they don't post on here but loads of us know them:

Bilge Pump:


I didn't realise that the Joe (Mask) of amp-tweaking renown is Joe from the mighty Bilge Pump! He played with Polaris for a bit too didn't he? I remember him well from his days of helping-out Zoopsia (Emlyn's band of old).


post videos of your band on youtube

Adam CR wrote:
honeyisfunny wrote:and, they don't post on here but loads of us know them:

Bilge Pump:


I didn't realise that the Joe (Mask) of amp-tweaking renown is Joe from the mighty Bilge Pump! He played with Polaris for a bit too didn't he? I remember him well from his days of helping-out Zoopsia (Emlyn's band of old).


Ah yes, one and the same. He was in Polaris until about 3 wks ago when they split up. shame...
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

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