Chapter Two wrote:I'm three quarters Irish to one part Romany. My ancestors had the shitty end of the English stick too. When I first wrote the above post, I put all the 'we's' in inverted commas, but I took them off because no matter how much I might like to think otherwise, if I go to Ireland, Wales or Scotland, I'm an Englishman. Your Irish ancestors and mine decided that 'if you can't beat them, join them'; the equivalent of a man in Boro who supports Manchester United. I didn't mention the fact of the Irish ancestry because, as you say above, on some days, every one has an Irish granddad. I guess yours just called.
I had no intention of starting an 'I'm more parts Irish than your parts Irish' cock showing match. I was using the mention of ancestry purely to highlight how silly holding a grudge against the entire people of a nation who weren't even born when a said injustice was perpetrated is. Especially when those injustices are no longer there. Ireland under internment I can see them being pissed off, Palestinians being murdered, sure bring up the last sixty years but Scotland today does quite well out of its being part of the United Kingdom. Not least in its representation in Westminster.
Having consciousness of the history of violence and injustice perpetrated by the people of a nation upon your own nation, and knowing that this violence and injustice has created the shape of your own nation and hasn't been redressed, I think justifies a certain degree of hostility and mistrust of the nature and character of the people from that nation.
No it doesn't. It might be used as an excuse but, as I've said if there is no longer any tangible injustice (beyond that done to us all anyhow) being committed
Racism pretty much always comes from ignorance. You ask the majority of the estate dwelling racists anything about their history and my money is on most drawing a blank.
I think it's more reasonable to expect that if you inflict violence then it's going to be remembered for a long, long time.
Of course it is but this shouldn't be used to justify racism. A person should be taken on their own merits not the judged on the behaviour of Edward Longshanks for fucks sake.
No I don't think it's okay for an asian person to jump on a white person's head. Similarly, I don't think it's okay for a white person to stick a bayonet in an asian person for not doing what he's told.
Of course both are bad - no excuses - that's my argument. You seem to be saying 'both are bad but let's not forget that Ahmed's Great Great Grandad was belittled by some Cockney in Delhi in 1876, cut him some slack.'
No - put him in prison. Then he can have plenty of time to read and find more constructive ways to work out any anger that may be forthcoming.
That a nation contained traitors doesn't make the injustices inflicted upon it alright, or the resentment regarding those injustices any less justifiable.
Racism is never justifiable - explainable, even understandable (given some specific circumstances) but as a general rule
never justifiable. That nations contain traitors doesn't lesson injustice but it complicates matters (when those traitors come in whole clans or tribes (nations?) certainly). That one nation may oppress another is a nice black and white way of looking at the world but there is more to it than that and shining a light on that would go some way to lessening the ignorance that causes racism.
When you learn from your mistakes it's called a lesson. When you don't learn from your mistakes it's called a mistake. We need the memory of history. We don't need nations.
And being racist and bigoted as a result of a study of history is learning from it - is it?
You seem to be granting one nation the right to be bigoted against the inhabitants of another nation because of historical injustices whilst proclaiming that we shouldn't have nations.
Where does that leave the inhabitants of Berwick Upon Tweed? They was Scots when we were bad to them now they're English. Are you suggesting that the Scots are justifiably allowed to be racist to them because they are English now?
Silly silly silly.
Victory by conquest = sometimes forgiven; never forgotten.
Lord grant that Marshal Wade
May by thy mighty aid
Victory bring.
May he sedition hush,
And like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush.
God save the King!
The national anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? I consider myself a republican and I was against the war in Iraq.
Are we all to be held to account for the guy who wrote the lyrics to the national anthem?