I agree with 242sumner and NerblyBear.
Solitude is very important to me; for a start I can't read and write without spending long periods of time on my own.
I think temperament and personality determine a lot of our social preferences and I would not recommend this regime to everyone.
A typical weekend for me involves driving up to the mountains and spending hours walking, reading and writing.
I enjoy the social contact of my colleagues, teammates and family but I can't afford to spend hours every week sitting in a pub talking about football and work.
22Angus Jung wrote:
Particularly when topped with Easy Cheeze.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.
25i think, basically, sociability can go either way. yo ty, i agree with you on that... i mean we are supposed to socialize our dogs so that they aren't total bastards...otherwise they don't really know what to do when approached by someone other than their owners...but i think because we are higher primates, some of us--with our big fat screwy brains--don't benefit from being with other people as much as they do being alone. and that is the truth.