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Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:54 am
by Earwicker_Archive
Heeby Jeeby wrote:'hey guys. i reckon quetzalcoatl is coming back'
'no way'
'no seriously he is. and then theres going to be a period of turmoil'
'hows that then chief?'
'i dunno...just general turmoil. a bit of this and that but i'm sure we'll be fine. its not as if a large army of marauding spaniards is going to arrive and kill pretty much every last one of us'
(cue uproarious mayan laughter and suitable 'end of civilisation' music)[/i]

Ah, the comedy of prophesied genocide. Hooray.

There was more detail, something about nine cycles of hell of 52 years each or something. Not that that particularly clears anything up but there you go.
And the Spanish Army wasn't all that large. There was only 600 of them but the Natives didn't want to upset them, thinking their firesticks and paella indicated their godliness.

To the day though. They got the prediction right to the day.

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:05 am
by DrAwkward_Archive
Heeby Jeeby wrote:(cue uproarious mayan laughter and suitable 'end of civilisation' music)[/i]

This is especially funny when you picture the music as "I'm All Right" by Kenny Loggins.

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:30 pm
by Sid Hartha_Archive
pet fever detector wrote:the sun will engulf the earth long before it goes supernova.

is this the cosmic equivilant of "gettin' medieval"?

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:42 pm
by wiggins_Archive
RE: Mayan Calendar resetting on Dec. 12th 2012.

This does not necessarily indicate the end of our world. The "long count" of the calendar just resets itself.

PLEASE read this essay: Why 2012?

If nothing else, it's an interesting way to spend 20 minutes. I wonder what else we don't know about this culture because they were slaughtered for gold?

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:58 pm
by Heeby Jeeby_Archive
Earwicker wrote:
Heeby Jeeby wrote:'hey guys. i reckon quetzalcoatl is coming back'
'no way'
'no seriously he is. and then theres going to be a period of turmoil'
'hows that then chief?'
'i dunno...just general turmoil. a bit of this and that but i'm sure we'll be fine. its not as if a large army of marauding spaniards is going to arrive and kill pretty much every last one of us'
(cue uproarious mayan laughter and suitable 'end of civilisation' music)[/i]

Ah, the comedy of prophesied genocide. Hooray.

There was more detail, something about nine cycles of hell of 52 years each or something. Not that that particularly clears anything up but there you go.
And the Spanish Army wasn't all that large. There was only 600 of them but the Natives didn't want to upset them, thinking their firesticks and paella indicated their godliness.

To the day though. They got the prediction right to the day.

i'm sorry. i don't really have anything against the mayans. i was just having a bad day. one of my best friends is a mayan.

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:01 pm
by wiggins_Archive
Heeby Jeeby wrote:
Earwicker wrote:
Heeby Jeeby wrote:'hey guys. i reckon quetzalcoatl is coming back'
'no way'
'no seriously he is. and then theres going to be a period of turmoil'
'hows that then chief?'
'i dunno...just general turmoil. a bit of this and that but i'm sure we'll be fine. its not as if a large army of marauding spaniards is going to arrive and kill pretty much every last one of us'
(cue uproarious mayan laughter and suitable 'end of civilisation' music)[/i]

Ah, the comedy of prophesied genocide. Hooray.

There was more detail, something about nine cycles of hell of 52 years each or something. Not that that particularly clears anything up but there you go.
And the Spanish Army wasn't all that large. There was only 600 of them but the Natives didn't want to upset them, thinking their firesticks and paella indicated their godliness.

To the day though. They got the prediction right to the day.

i'm sorry. i don't really have anything against the mayans. i was just having a bad day. one of my best friends is a mayan.


Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:02 pm
by wiggins_Archive
Okay, maybe that's a "spoken-only" joke.



Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:16 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
Earwicker wrote:2012 - December. That's what them Mayan's said.

Marsupialized wrote:I'm cool with it.

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:49 pm
by rayj_Archive
Earwicker wrote:2012 - December. That's what them Mayan's said.

But what the hey!

...Helios Creed as well...

Controversial Scientist Predicts Planetary Wipeout

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:00 pm
by juice_Archive
Mark Hansen wrote:
juice wrote:
pet fever detector wrote:
BadComrade wrote:The sun's eventually gonna supernova and swallow the earth anyway, so who gives a fuck. Human beings and the earth itself are nothing in the grand scheme of things. I think it's about time we get over ourselves.l

the sun will engulf the earth long before it goes supernova.

Too bad yellow dwarfs don't become supernovas.

I was just about to point out that the sun is too small to ever go supernova. The smallest a star could be and go supernova is 1.44 solar masses (the Chandrasekhar limit). The sun will eventually become a white dwarf type star.

I work in a cosmic ray research department. We just look at the sky and shit from the middle of the desert. Except we use just look for muons and alpha particles from cosmic ray events on the magnitude of 10^19 and greater, high energy cosmic rays which are postulated to come from colliding galaxies, traveling .999999999 times the speed of light.
Actually it's kind of boring.