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Ion iTTUSB Turntable

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:40 am
by Arson Smith_Archive
jason smith wrote:
Arson Smith wrote:It seems as if they intentionally went out of their way to make this somewhat of a PAIN IN THE ASS if you just want to LISTEN to a record play over the computer's speakers, using the USB connection for the turntable.


I did notice though that using GoldWave, I could record from the turntable and then play back what I had just recorded... so I knew signal was getting from the turntable to the laptop - but I could not get it routed directly to the damn speakers for some reason...

Forgive me, I'm away from the windoze right now, and I'm not directly familiar with this piece of equipment... But, usually with audio interfaces, you just go to control panel -> sound and then there should be an advanced tab or something, that activates a crappy mixer type thing. You can mute/unmute different inputs like mic, line, cd. If you want the turntable input channel to always be unmuted you should be able to do it there. Could be wrong since I've never used your equipment..

Right, that's just it - I kept poking around on that 'volume control' thingage and I could never see the turntable as one of the devices that I could select to enable it with the volume fader and a 'mute' box...

You're talking about something similar to this, right? (the turntable is not here with me - but yes I did have it selected in that dropdown instead of "SoundMAX HD Audio" when I was trying to make this work on Christmas day)


It's kind of hard to explain, and I found myself going in circles a lot because I just know that it should work...

I will be messing with it again tonight perhaps, and if I'm just being a dumbass and overlooking something simple, I welcome anyone who can spot what I'm doing wrong.

It's a hell of a start...