White Castle food makes me:

Total votes: 27 (64%)
Not happy
Total votes: 15 (36%)
Total votes: 42

food selling establishment: White Castle

cwiko wrote:White Castle is the Chicago Cubs of fast food. They suck, they've always sucked, they'll suck long after I'm dead & gone, but for some insane reason, I enjoy having them around. I never go to Cubs games & I never really eat at White Castle, but I was devastated when the location at Armitage & Western was bulldozed. I guess it had been there since my mom was a wee lass.

Fun fact: did you know White Castle was the first fast food restaurant?

yes I did, I learned that fact at the coca-cola museum in Atlanta.
That's how bad being stuck in Atlanta sucks a cock, I went to the fucking coca-cola museum
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

food selling establishment: White Castle

I was taken to a branch of White Castle, while drunk, on my first trip to America. From the moment it was first mooted, all through the trip out there, to ordering, to having the 'food' in my hand, I was trying to get my head around the concept - "a sack of burgers? We're going to buy a sacksworth?"

This was a lot for my young British mind to take, but I think back on it happily. Not Crap, if only because I'm several hundred miles from having to eat another*.

*cf. Dunkin' Donuts Ham and Egg Bagels. I loved those bastards.
Twenty-four hours a week, seven days a month

food selling establishment: White Castle

Loretta wrote:do white castle fries only come in one size?

No, Rysie. You can get a regular order of fries, which come in a box. Or you can make the wiser choice and order a sack of fries -- about twice the size of a regular order. Same goes for onion chips. The fries are better than those in any other fast-food joint, so make that part of your typical Castle experience. However, never, ever, ever go to a Castle and leave without ordering onion chips (they make a nice dessert if you can't bring yourself to order both fries and onion chips with your first order). The onion chips are so fucking good, even though they changed the mixture in the onion-chip batter in the early 2000s in a way that slightly affected the taste of this remarkable product. Even with the slightly inferior taste (the difference again is very, very slight), the onion chip is unbeatable practically and conceptually.

The Veggie Castle in Brooklyn still exists.

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