Correspondent Helen Thomas asked Perino again if the "surge" was a change in policy.
"Certainly," Perino responded.
Thomas and Perino tangled after the Deputy Press Secretary referred to the possibility that America could be "hurt" by Iraqi-based terrorists in the event of withdrawal.
Perino said, "The terrorists that are seeking a safe haven in Iraq, if we were to leave, would find one, just like they have one in Afghanistan, and they can hurt us and..."
"How do you know that?" Thomas countered.
Perino responded, "Well, based on experience from September 11th. That's how we know it."
"September 11th had nothing to with Iraq," Thomas pointed out.
Bush wants to " expand" the military.
21Oh, and it gets better, too. Perino let Helen Thomas ask a question. The Bushies will play the September 11 card whenever they are pushed on Iraq, and then the following day, they will deny linking Iraq to 9/11. It's a psycho ward over there.