Mission of Burma at the Double Door Friday

BadComrade wrote:You might wanna skip the Burma show at the Double Door then, because Joe Shanahan is a dick.

You might wanna avoid the Empty Bottle from now on, too.

I just found out that The Vic, The Park West, and The Riviera Theater are all owned by Jam Productions.

I like the guy that owns Schuba's, he let me in to a sold-out 16 Horsepower show for no reason at all...

Heh. Well, those people being dicks don't affect my local music scene personally, unlike Shank Hall, whose owner regularly calls the cops on other clubs having shows the same night he is if he can think of a good reason to call them.

Think globally, act locally.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Mission of Burma at the Double Door Friday

I will definitely be there. I kind of like the double door. Sure, they get an awful lot of really shitty bands and there are a lot of annoying idiots that go there, sometimes a bouncer will be a crazy dude that acts like a jerk, but hell, that describes approximately 99.9% of the rock venues of the world. It comes with the territory.

When there's a band playing there that I like, I always have a good time, and the sound is pretty good in almost any place that you stand. They've got several places you can go to get a drink, unlike most places that just have one extremely crowded bar. Plus, they've been really cool about hooking up bands of mine with decent shows, and I know a few people with similar experiences.

Of course, most of my opinion is formed considering the fact that I know a guy that I think is now kind of the main booking agent there, and he's a nice dude that is always willing to help me out. I've never interfaced directly with the owner or anything.

Mission of Burma at the Double Door Friday

I'm by no means saying that DD is a good club but all I can say is that Phil (booking agent) is very easy to work with and is very fair. Also, he lets us pick the bills which results in weeding out the "hey let go to the DD and hang out crowd" factor that can be a little annoying. Never worked with the other agents who are more involved with the whole Metro thing w/ Joe S. and such.

Most clubs have there pro's and cons but at least DD has ok sound and when dealing with Phil is fairly cool with the bands. Not on the top of my list but not at the bottom either.

Chris just out of curiousity what were your main complaints with the DD from a patron's persepctive. I guess I'm usually only there as a performer. I know the drink prices can be a bit excessive but were they other issues? Just wondering.

If it wasn't Illegal I'd start my own venue out of our practice space area but that ain't happening...

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