
Total votes: 3 (18%)
Total votes: 14 (82%)
Total votes: 17

Band: Deerhunter

there is a short interview with the singer from this band on pitchfork. toward the end he goes on the obligatory "i hate indie rock" spiel in which he includes "heterosexual bourgeoisie" persona. a few questions before that he talks about the band recording "in a building my dad had."

a building his dad had.


what fun.

Band: Deerhunter

I didn't know much about these guys when I saw them open for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (that's right!) here in Atlanta some time ago. Maybe I just didn't get them, but I didn't get them.

They were boring. The songs were only less pretentious than the between song banter. This one song had a lyric something like "I'm the corpse that came spiraling out" over and over...and over...and over again.

So far as I could tell the only thing these guys had going for them was (1) they were playing their home town and (2) for some reason the YYY's specifically asked that they open for them.

Maybe it was just an off night.

Band: Deerhunter

Drummer is really good.

The bass player (who for me is the key to this band) is excellent. He has that slightly farty/spongy "Kerosene" sound.

I will go and see this band tonight. Last time I saw them they rocked-out. I'm not in a rush to listen to their records, but I can't imagine they are crap.

Band: Deerhunter


Last time I saw them the bass player had some kind of Fender bass instead of the T-40 and did not have the "Kerosene" bass sound. Nontheless, he was still excellent.

I have now listened to one of their records. It is ok.

This is still a very good band to go and see play live.

Band: Deerhunter

I am proud of these people. Colin plays guitar in my ex-bandmate's band Chopper, we've become pretty decent acquaintances.

Josh, the bass player, also plays in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which is a thing to see in someone's crowded, un-AC'ed basement. Way good. Also, he keyed and guitared in Electrosleep International, whose s/t cd somehow kicks the shit out of "Nervous Circuits", for me. Check em out.

Again, I am proud of these people. It's easy for every other band in atlanta to spit shit about them "blowing up" or whatever when "they suck", but goddammit, they worked for it, which is more than most Atlanta bands can say for themselves, my various (unsuccessful) bands included.

NC - sizeable waffle for inconsistent live shows/brad's motormouth
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